A friend's request

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-"What is it?" You said, looking at Obi-Wan.

Maybe he saw you and Rex? Unless he was already here before that.

Obi-Wan grabbed a chair from the room and sat in front of you.

-"Y/n, you know I would never betray your trust. But I need you to consider coming back"

What the kriff??

-"What!? To the Republic?"

He nodded slowly.

-"Yes. Listen, you trusted me and I trust you too, that's why I need you. You could be really useful for us if we have you in"

You couldn't believe this was happening.

-"But, Obi-Wan, I have a life, a different life. I'M A WAITRESS, I serve drinks and sing on a club. I can't just go from that to some warrior of the Republic"

You slapped your hands on your lap as you got up from the chair.
You touched your head while looking down.

-"I'm... I'm not a Jedi anymore"

Obi-Wan detected sadness in you voice. He approached you and placed a hand in your back.

You were shedding a few tears.

-"Y/n" He said softly. "I don't mean to push you into doing anything you don't want. But you are a Jedi. You have a gift, a gift to bring peace into the galaxy. You are one with the force. You can't help to bring peace if you keep hiding in your apartment. We all wished this war never happened, but we have a purpose to follow. There's people out there who didn't asked for this neither, they can't protect themselves, they need people like you and me. They need the Jedi"

You looked into his eyes. You could feel he was trying to make you see the bigger picture.
He was right about everything. You couldn't keep hiding. You swore you would bring peace, even if that meant fighting to protect it.

You sat down again and sighed.

-"You know I didn't leave because of fear. I thought I would bring peace if I didn't fight a war."

He looked at you before speaking.

-"I know you were never a coward Y/n. You are one of the bravest Jedi I've ever met. And leaving everything you knew to try to keep peace is the biggest proof of that. But war reached a point in which we cannot choose between many options."

You looked at him and forced a little smile.

-"I know. I've known this for some time now. Every time I looked into any clone's eyes, I could see the consequences of war. They hold onto their generals. Waiting for orders. But they see their brothers die every day. They cannot change what's done and at this point... I can't neither"

You sighed before speaking again

-"Guess we all have to choose a side sooner or later"

You could choose to stay but you had a gift and that wasn't changing, you can't keep being indifferent knowing you can help.

Obi-Wan nodded.

-"Y/n, I wouldn't have come here if I didn't consider you trustworthy. I didn't tell the council I saw you, but i'm sure they'll take you back if you talk to them"

You nodded slowly.

You had to do this. There's no hiding in your condition.

-"I... I will" You hesitated.

Obi-Wan smiled at this.

-"You are wise to make that choice, Y/n"

You got up and gave him a short hug.

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