Times of Loss

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You were heading straight to a reunion with Anakin and Obi-Wan. You knew this one is of vital importance, Master Even Piell has been captured and you shouldn't waste no time in getting him back since he possesses real important information. You were thinking of all of that as you walked to the meeting room, you opened the door and saw Master Plo Koon, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Cody, Fives and Echo, there was also a hologram of Rex.

-"Y/n, I'm glad you're here" Obi-Wan said, then everyone in the room looked at you.

-"Couldn't miss this Obi-Wan" You said as you positioned yourself next to Cody, then Master Plo showed everyone a holomap of the Citadel.

-"As you are aware, the Citadel is their most isolated and impenetrable detention facility. No one has ever escaped" Master Plo said with a serious tone.

-"There's a first time for everything" Anakin said.

-"Indeed, there is" Obi-Wan said.

-"Well, we have a pretty good team, so certainly it's not impossible anymore" You said smiling, Master Plo looked at you.

-"Their security has prevented our probes from obtaining recent reconnaissance, so we've been forced to construct a crude map based upon data from the archives" He said showing a holomap.

-"And since the data is extremely old, the map will be difficult to rely on" Obi-Wan said.

-"That's what I thought, considering you always say the archives are incomplete" You said looking at the holomap.

-"So we're essentially going in blind" Anakin said.

-"Beg your pardon, General. But how do we know Master Piell is still alive?" Rex asked.

You looked at Obi-Wan.

-"The Separatists won't dare kill Master Piell until they have what they need" Obi-Wan responded, then Master Plo spoke too.

-"He obtained the coordinates of a secret hyperspace lane known as the Nexus Route, which travels into the heart of the Republic and Separatist homeworlds"

-"They could prove vital in manoeuvring our forces deep into remote Separatist sectors" Obi-Wan said.

-"Or the enemy could use them to slip through our defences and attack Coruscant" Anakin said.

-"Indeed. That information could mark an important role in this war, for both sides" You said looking at them.

-"These hyperspace lanes are of immense interest to both our sides and could tip the scale of the war to whomever is in possession of them. That is all" Master Plo said. You frowned and whispered to Cody.

-"That's what I said"

-"Well, now is more than clear that the information is of vital importance" He whispered back, then Echo and Fives approached.

-"What are you two whispering about?" Fives asked.

-"About how there's an echo in here" You said, Echo looked around.

-"Me?" He asked. You smiled.

-"No, but never mind. You've heard it boys, that information is really important, so I need you all to stay focused" You said as you walked away to join Obi-Wan, Anakin and Master Plo.

-"Hey there" Anakin said as you walked next to him.

You smiled at him and then Master Plo spoke.

-"Based on the archive schematics, we've narrowed it down to three possible locations they could be holding him at"

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