Chapter Three

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I literally cannot stop writing this book. It's actually addicting I'm having so much fun. I have so many dramatic scenes written in my notepad I can't even wait!!!


September 3

58 Days Before

Lila sat with Estelle in their free period. They had been filling each other in on anything important that had transpired in their first week so far. Turns out, not much of importance had happened so far. The first few days had gone relatively smoothly. She didn't have that much homework yet, allowing her to run lines with Charlie to prepare for his auditions. He had been doing plays and performing for as long as they could remember. The three of them like to joke that he got the musical genes of the trio.

She was taking a few higher level classes, which meant she got a break from Sam. She loved her twin, but space was good for them. Their teachers especially loved when they didn't share the same classes. If those two began to talk or argue about anything, absolutely nothing would stop them from finishing their conversation. At first, the detentions kept at least Lila at bay, not wanting to ruin her record. But once she found out that colleges would never see that record, she got right back into turning the classroom into the debate team.

"I mean, something exciting has to happen soon," Estelle insisted. "The biggest thing to happen so far was that they served veggie burgers instead of meatball subs at lunch yesterday."

"That was kinda exciting," Lila tried, spinning her pen around her finger. "Everyone's reaction to it surely didn't disappoint."

Estelle smiled in agreement. "I swore that smoke was gonna come out of Lance Gillard's ears when he found out."

The girls let out a laugh when their science teacher interrupted, coming over to their table. "Lila? Mr. Graham is looking for you in his office."

Lila's faced scrunched up in confusion, wondering why the gym teacher and football coach would be looking for her. Not to mention, it was Charlie's dad. His wife was her soccer coach, so he must be in charge of recruiting her back to the team. She adored Charlie's parents, but sometimes they just didn't know when to quit. She let out a frustrated huff as she gathered her belongings into her backpack. She just wanted to move on from the team, and it felt like she couldn't stop being dragged into things.

She exited the classroom and was trying to remember if Charlie had said that his dad wanted to talk to her. She was very close with the Graham's. Between having been best friends with Charlie since they were five years old and considering his mother, Mrs. Graham, was her soccer coach, they had always been in her life. It wasn't abnormal for the trio to occasionally hang out in one of their offices at the school, but it was rare to be called down alone.

As she turned the corner, she was met with a slam in the face of a locker. She immediately jolted back, hand flying up to clutch her nose. She let out of a groan of pain, feeling a throbbing pain spread through her face. She cursed herself for not paying close enough attention to her surroundings and for going so fast. She opened her eyes after a few moments to see the football captain staring at her, unbothered.

"You've got to be kidding me," Lila murmured, clutching her nose in pain.

"You should really watch where you're going," Ashton Westbrook said unapologetically. He held his locker door with an amused look on his face, checking it as if expecting to see her face dented into it.

Just for This YearNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ