Chapter Twenty-Three

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Hi! Just an FYI, if you're reading as I update, I added a scene to the beginning of the last chapter. It's not super essential to the story but adds a bit to Sam's story and touches back on the play cause I feel like I've been neglecting it.

Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Calm before the storm, let's call it.


October 31

The Day It Happened: Part 1 of 5

Lila tilted her head as she evaluated her costume. She tilted her head and tried to decide whether she liked it or not. Her usual natural curls were pin straight, falling low on her waist. She wore tight leather pants accompanied by a tight black shirt. Her goal was to look sleek, like she could slip away unnoticed. She had a knife holster on each of her thighs, with fake knives sheathed in both. She wore deep red lipstick, a shade she secretly loved but was never comfortable enough wearing. Estelle convinced her to wear it, saying it added to the character.

After discussing possible costume ideas for nearly an entire day, the two settled on being assassins. They decided to play into the act a bit and throughout the night they would "hunt" each other down. They had a bit of a competition going to see who could have the higher kill count at the end of the night. The rules were that they just had to sneak up on each other and it would count as a kill.

She still couldn't believe she let Sam talked her into this. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was off— very off. Maybe she was just worried that their mother would bust them. But to be honest, their mother seemed so out of it lately that she wasn't sure if she'd notice even if she was home. Both twins were convinced she was seeing someone, and neither knew how to feel about it. They hadn't discussed it with one another, but they both thought it. They told their mother they were going to a friend's party tonight, and she seemed to buy it.

People were set to come over in about thirty minutes. They had already decorated the house for Halloween a few days ago. They set up some basic snacks and candy around the house, deciding not to go too overboard with it. They did two punch bowls with the cheapest liquor they could get their hands on, overloading it with sugar to hide the taste. They had their own drinks as well for when that went. They made jell-o shots as well, orange and green shots covering a table for people to grab.

She just couldn't shake the feeling that something was incredibly wrong. But she tried to push it to the side in hopes that she would have a fun night. She finished the last of her outfit, pleased with how it turned out. She could hear her brother scrambling in his room to finish getting ready, and was dying to see what he was wearing. He told her it was his best costume yet, but refused to tell her what it was beforehand.

"Yo, Lila," Sam called out as he walked out of his room and Lila gawked at him.

He was just a giant hot dog. His costume was just a giant hot dog in a bun.

"There's no way that's your costume," she said with wide eyes.

Sam smiled widely. "Hot diggity dog!"

"Absolutely not."

"I mustard ask you a question," he said in a serious tone.

"Sam, no—"

He grinned widely. "Do you like my buns?"

Lila held her hand out to stop him and tilted her head dangerously. "Never ask me that again."


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