Chapter Eight

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Hi everyone! So sorry for how long it took me to update. I have another chapter I'm going to post tonight to make up for it! I have the book completely planned out now, so there shouldn't be any more delay with updates. I'll try to get a consistent schedule going as well!

Hope you enjoy.


September 8th

53 Days Before

Sam finally finished putting the last of his clothes away when he saw a certain sandy-haired boy pull up to their driveway on a bike. He let out a nervous breath, trying to make sure his room wasn't the disaster it was an hour ago. It wasn't perfect, but it would have to do. Charlie was always on his case for how messy his bedroom was, so Sam thought it might be a nice surprise for him.

It took twenty minutes for Sam to pick an outfit he was satisfied with. He was going for casual but wanted to show some effort. But no matter how many times he tried to stray, he came back to those grey sweatpants he wore whenever he was going to see someone he was interested in. What could he say? He hadn't had many complaints in them.

The doorbell finally rang, finally making Sam pull his thoughts from his outfit. He instantly sprang into action before any other member of his family could. He saw his sister's door begin to open, and he wanted to slam it shut right in her face. Instead, he opted for a less aggressive option.

"I got it!" Sam shouted to deter her, scurrying down the carpeted stairs. He adjusted his shirt quickly as he reached the door, taking a deep breath before swinging it open. He leaned against it with one arm propped up above him. He grinned widely at the sandy-haired boy who stood in a loose hoodie and sweats pants. "Hey."

"Hey," Charlie greeted him with a grin. "Ready to rehearse?"

"Get ready to be blown away," Sam boasted, flickering his eyebrows up confidently. Charlie chuckled as he stepped through the door, shimmying his jacket off.

But before Sam could sweep Charlie up the stairs, his mother appeared out of the kitchen. She dusted her hands off on her apron, ingredients transferring onto the material. Her hair was swept up into a messy low ponytail, stray pieces around her face. She beamed up at the boy as soon as she saw him.

"Hello, Charlie," Lorena greeted fondly, her arms spread out for a hug. Charlie didn't hesitate to embrace her despite her apron being covered in various spices. As they pulled away, she left her hands on his shoulders. "I heard you finally got my boy into musical theater, I always knew he was meant for it."

"Mom," Sam groaned, giving her a beseeching look.

But Lorena persisted, "I've heard you sing in the shower, hun, you're good!"

"That's because I have a speaker in there," he reminded her. "You're not hearing much of me."

"It's mainly a speaking role, anyway," Charlie informed Lorena politely, trying not to seem too amused.

"Well, we all know he's plenty good at talking, isn't he?" Lorena said as she patted Sam's face. He groaned, pulling his face away.

Sam backed towards the staircase. "We're going upstairs."

"I'll bring snacks up soon," Lorena assured them and Charlie thanked her politely as they headed towards Sam's bedroom.

Sam watched Charlie as they entered his bedroom, wondering if he'd notice the cleanliness of the room. Unfortunately, Charlie just flopped down onto the beanbag chair, placing his backpack down in front of him. He hadn't looked around much, likely just expecting the same old thing. Sam almost opened his mouth to say something, but someone beat him to it.

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