Chapter Twenty-Five

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I've been waiting to post this one. I've had this planned since I started the book.

Special thanks to my roommate who helped figure out how some stuff would flow this chapter! So, if you get mad at me for this, you can also blame her, really.


October 31

The Day It Happened: Part 3 of 5

Truth or dare.

Of course, Teddy would suggest truth or dare.

A few other partygoers joined in, sitting in a circle on the couches in their living room. Lila and Estelle sat on one of the large arm chairs in the corner together, essentially sitting on each other. Much to Lila's amusement and horror, Ashton got dragged over to play with the other football players. Teddy continued to look at Lila in a way that she was sure he was plotting something. And she was very sure that it was nothing good.

"This has to be the most juvenile and cliche thing we've ever done," Lila complained to Estelle who nodded in agreement as she took a sip of her drink.

Estelle hummed thoughtfully and shrugged. "I sort of feel like we're having the true high school experience now, at least."

"If our high school experience depends on playing truth or dare at a singular party with people we barely know, we've done something wrong," Lila retorted with a snort, making Estelle let out a soft laugh in agreement.

"Estelle, truth or dare?" someone who's name Lila did not know suddenly asked, bringing the girls away from their private conversation. Lila could see her friend's cheeks flush from the attention.

"Um, truth," she settled for, looking nervous.

"Who in this room do you want to kiss?"

And since this was all too cliche, Lavender Montgomery just had to be there in her light purple fairy costume. The very girl that Estelle had had a moment with at the party earlier in the year. Lila was sure that the feelings were reciprocated, and was all too pleased with the setup suddenly. She subtly nudged her friend with her elbow, wanting some way of encouraging her.

Estelle cleared her throat nervously, "Lavender."

Lila instantly turned her attention to the cheerleader, who just beamed in response. Her eyes darted down to her lap sheepishly. "Well, if you move the game onto the next person we could see about making that happen."

Estelle's eyes bulged from her head and words began to spew from her mouth. Lila bit back a laugh and elbowed her friend a bit less subtly, as if giving her a reset. She finally forced out, "Davey! Your turn."

"Truth," he easily replied, amused by the situation.

"Worst date Teddy's ever taken you on?" Estelle asked, already halfway out of her seat.

"Hey!" Teddy exclaimed, affronted.

"Gotta go!" she quipped, grabbing Lavender's hand and making a beeline for the nearest bathroom. Lila couldn't hold back her laugh anymore, her hand covering her mouth.

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