Chapter Sixteen

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September 13

48 Days Before

"Sam, I want food."

Lila dragged herself into her twin's room at around ten in the morning, fighting through a spinning head and a nauseous stomach. Her sweatshirt nearly swallowed her whole, serving more so as a blanket for her. She wore biker shorts under the sweatshirt, barely poking through from underneath the long hoodie. Her brother didn't open his eyes, but he flailed his arm in the air as if to rid her away.

"Don't you dare open those curtains," Sam murmured with his face smothered in his pillows. Lila just smiled sweetly despite him being unable to see it. She paused for a moment before opening the curtains, watching him as she did so. "You god damn menace."

She snorted in amusement. "I want food, I need you to drive me."

"There's no way I could operate a vehicle right now," he said with a groan, trying to pull a pillow over his head to block out his sister.

"Mom's been working at the hospital every day this week and none of us have gone grocery shopping," Lila pointed out with crossed arms. "What am I supposed to eat?"

Under his breath, he mumbled, "Eat shit."

Lila took the pillow off his head and began to hit him with it. "You're hilarious, honestly, ten out of ten for comedic timing. Can we get food now?"

"Cease fire, mercy, please," Sam pleaded, holding his hand out to stop her. "Go by yourself."

"That's boring," she complained with a pout. "I'll buy your food."

Sam jolted to sit up. "Works with me."

Lila threw a hoodie at him, hitting him directly in the face. He pulled it over his head and rolled out of bed. Huffing out from exhaustion, he grabbed the keys off his nightstand and stood up. Sam smirked as he walked towards her, making Lila narrow her eyes suspiciously.

"But you're driving," he told her, dropping the keys into her hands.

"It's your funeral," Lila sighed out, following him to their car.

Both the twins wore sunglasses in the car to block out any light. They drove in complete silence, which it turned out Lila was grateful for so she could focus on driving. She wasn't huge on driving, as her twin was usually the one behind the wheel. And so when she did drive, she needed to be completely focused in.

But the silence somehow made her more dizzy and she needed some sort of sound. At a red light, Lila reached forward experimentally to turn on the radio, but Sam quickly smacked her hand away. She turned towards him, taken aback. He managed out, "No... no music."

They finally reached their bagel place and went to the drive-thru line. She let out a small breath of relief as she stopped the car in line, happy to no longer be driving for the moment. She edged the car closer to the window as cars moved up the line, ordering food of their own. She felt her nerves spike as the car in front of them pulled away, making them the next to order.

"The usual?" Lila asked as they pulled up to the drive-thru window and Sam nodded in response.

After ordering, they pulled up to pay. Their usual order hadn't changed in years. It was their classic hangover food. Lila got an asiago bagel with cream cheese and a large iced mocha latte. Sam would always get an everything bagel with cream cheese and a hot black coffee. They claimed it was the only thing keeping them alive when they felt this hungover.

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