Chapter Ten

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In addition to this chapter, I just posted a Prologue which I know is confusing to post now but just go with it! Also, notice how there's now a countdown at the start of each chapter. Dun, dun, dun...

And don't forget to follow my Instagram page @/melaniegaleazbooks


September 9

52 Days Before

Sam took a deep breath as he stared at the auditorium doors. He could hear the chatter of students inside, making his stomach churn nervously. He just wanted this to go well. It would make not only his life easier, but Charlie's too. He didn't want to just ruin everything for Charlie just because he couldn't get some people to like him. Sam was very aware that Charlie would never ditch him. Though this sounds great, it also meant that Charlie would give things up for Sam, and he didn't want that.

He had to be able to do things on his own. And he had to get people to like him. He finally mustered up the courage to open the doors. His eyes scanned the room and saw that Charlie wasn't there yet, making Sam immediately wanted to run away. But he stood his ground, and decided that he was gonna make these geeks love him.

Sam walked down the aisle, and stopped at a group of students. They were laughing and chatting about various topics. They seemed nice enough, he could do this. He sucked in a deep breath, flashing them his best smile- the smile that worked on everyone.

"Hi," Sam managed out. His is only semblance of a response was a collective look of stares. No one uttered a word.

"Okay," he murmured out as everyone turned back to their own conversations. He huffed out, trying to figure out where to put is stuff down. Everyone had their things on the auditorium chairs, and he figured that was a good next move. He walked to the row nearest to him and saw two girls having a conversation, plenty of empty seats around them.

"Is anyone sitting here?" Sam asked, pointing to the empty auditorium seat. He held his backpack in his hands, ready to place it down.

The girl didn't even glance up. "Yeah."

"Oh," he faltered, slinging his backpack back over his shoulder. He clenched his jaw as he moved to an empty row of seats, opting to sit alone. Maybe it was just a first day thing.

Who was he kidding? He knew this wouldn't just be a first day thing. The theatre kids just saw him as someone doing this as a joke. He knew that. He didn't blame them, either. In fact, he would probably think the same exact thing. But he was determined to prove them wrong. He basically already had the entire script memorized, that would have to impress them, right? All he had to do now was feel the lines, as Charlie said. Whatever the hell that means.

"Hey," Charlie greeted him, dropping his backpack down on the chair next to his. Sam immediately felt better, at least he would always have Charlie. "How you feeling about today?"

Horrible. "Great," Sam lied enthusiastically, giving his friend a faux confident smile. "Ready to turn some heads."

"Charlie, we're doing scene three from act one," someone called out to him. Charlie nodded, grabbing his script and flipping to it. He scanned the text, muttering the lines to himself.

He looked up from the script. "Hey, you come into this scene a bit later on, you should probably come with."

Sam had never been so grateful to be given a task. The last thing he wanted was to sit by himself. If he was busy doing things, then he might not notice the judging eyes on him. Charlie seemed to pick up on this, because Sam's character didn't even come in until the next scene. But he wasn't about to correct him.

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