Chapter Twelve

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September 11

50 Days Before


Sam sighed. "I know."

"You can't sing!" Nate exclaimed, holding the script in his hands. "You said there wasn't a lot of singing— you sing in almost every group number and have a solo song."

"I know!" Sam shouted back in the same voice.

The two older boys had come over to watch the professional football game airing tonight. Lila and Scarlett were upstairs having a girl's night of their own. Meanwhile, Lorena was working a late shift at the hospital tonight. Being a nurse made her hours a bit more hectic than any of them would have liked, but they all knew that being a single mother was not easy on her. The older kids chipped in where she would let them, but it wasn't something she usually let happen.

The football game continued to play in the background on the television as Sam sat and bickered with Cole and Nate. He was filling the two in on how his play was coming along, and when he told them it involved a bit more singing than anticipated, they hadn't been too supportive. No one in the Alvarez family was known for their singing, per say. They liked to say they had other strengths.

"You know, it might just be the role I was born to play," Sam said in a tone that suggested it was anything but.

Cole rolled his eyes. "The only role you've ever taken up is being a drama queen."

Sam made a sour face. "I resent that. Any updates on your lives so I can turn the torture to you?"

"We'll circle back," the older brother assured him with a pointed look before directing his attention to Nate. "How's the new album coming?"

"It's coming," Nate sighed out as he took a swift sip of his beer. "Should be out in a few months and then I'll be on tour again."

Sam grinned at him teasingly, hitting his arm lazily. "Any incredibly revealing songs we should warn my sister about?"

"You're the worst, you know that?" Nate said as he reached over and smacked him behind the head.

"Please, this is nothing. You don't know it yet but Lila is way worse, trust me," Sam assured him, sharing a knowing look with Cole who nodded in agreement.

Nate scoffed in disbelief. "Please, she's the nice one of you two."

Sam and Cole let out a howl of laughter, the two bending over in their seats. Nate just stared at the two in bewilderment, sputtering slightly as he asked for an explanation. The older brother shook his head, telling Nate, "It's all part of her plan, dude. She's nice, learns your weaknesses, then she hits you where it hurts."

"I'll believe that when I see it," Nate surrendered as he turned to Cole. "How's the job going?"

"Can't lie, it kind of blows," Cole admitted with a chuckle. "But I'm not exactly sure anyone is super passionate about accounting."

"Then switch jobs," Sam suggested with a shrug.

His brother shook his head at his brother's naivety. "It is not that easy, when you spend four years and thousands of dollars dedicated to one thing, you're not too keen on just switching up."

"I still think it's messed up that we decide what we do for the rest of our lives at eighteen," Sam said as his face scrunched up. "College is so weird."

"Weird, but fun," Nate added with a grin. "Hey, where are you applying anyway?"

"I applied early decision to Oakside," Sam said firmly with a single nod, throwing a handful of chips into his mouth. With a full mouth of crumbled chips, he continued on saying, "I think I'll hear back in December? I dunno, maybe earlier. I heard they get back to you kinda faster than others. But yeah, Oakside. And definitely not for theater."

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