Chapter Twenty-Eight

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November 1

1 Day After

It was a bit after midnight when her older siblings came. Well, she wasn't even sure if she could refer to them as siblings anymore. The police initially called Lorena, but Lila knew that she was assisting in a surgery and wouldn't have access to her phone. She convinced them to let her call Scarlett and Cole, seeing as they had taken up a guardian role in the twin's lives. The two got here in record time when they heard what happened, bringing their significant others with them. 

She had no idea where any of her friends ran off to. Estelle stayed with her when the cops initially came, but Lila quickly sent her off, not wanting her to get in trouble. She sent Lila a text saying she was with Lavender, and Lila was just happy one of them had a good night in the end.

She didn't have a clue where Ashton of Teddy were either. When the cops showed up, she instantly ushered everyone out. Ashton was insisting on staying, and she never saw him look so... she wasn't even sure the word for it. But she was sure he saw the papers from the closet, and he was refusing to leave her. But finally, she begged him to leave, lying and telling him it would be worse if anyone but her was there. In reality, she had no idea if it would make things worse. But she just couldn't deal with anything.

She could feel her phone buzzing in her pocket, and she was nearly sure that it was Ashton. She wasn't sure where she should with him at the moment, and it was currently the last thing on her mind. She had enough to worry about.

Not to mention, Lila had zero idea where her twin was. She hasn't seen him in a few hours, but assumed he left with Charlie. She saw them go up to his room a bit ago, and was just happy that their friendship could hopefully go back to normal. She knew something happened between them, and just hoped they could work through it. She had seen Charlie a few times since the clear falling out, but things were naturally weird since Sam was her twin. She hoped that Sam ended up having a better night than she did.

Her siblings had somehow managed to talk to the officer's and drop any charges. Lila wasn't sure what they said, but they certainly turned on the charm. There would be repercussions, but Lila could hardly be fussed with them considering everything that happened.

Currently, Scarlett and Cole, along with Nate and Allison, were berating Lila on how irresponsible everything had been. Cole rubbed his hand against his face tiredly, likely not being thrilled about getting dragged from his home at midnight. "What were you thinking?"

"Are we really gonna sit here and act like you guys didn't throw parties when Mom—" Lila started to ramble but cut herself off bitterly. She wanted to correct herself, but didn't want to raise any suspicions. Her voice was quieter as she reminded them, "You guys threw parties too."

"Not like this," Cole corrected her firmly, shaking his head. "This place is a disaster, Li. Did you have the entire high school here? And where the hell is Sam?"

"I'm not his keeper, Cole, how should I know? Dumbass probably ran off when the cops came as if he doesn't live here," Lila retorted sharply. She knew she was being harsh, but she couldn't make herself care. She just wanted to ask them if they knew. But she needed to confront Lorena first. "And besides, we were gonna clean before anyone came here."

Nate and Allison took more reserved roles in this. They both knew they didn't have as much authority to scold the girl as her siblings did. But in all honesty, Lila thought the world of those two. They could tell her to do anything and she would probably oblige. She adored Cole and Scarlett, but as her siblings, she naturally wanted to rile them up a bit more.

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