New Book: Just for Now!

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Hi all! Fun news, I started posting the third and final book of this series, "Just for Now" :)

Here's the description:

"Cole and Allison have been in love for as long as either of them could remember. They had gone from sandbox partners, to high school sweethearts, and then to husband and wife. They had always been in love.

Until one day they weren't.

Marital problems were nothing new to the world, but having them right before your sister's destination wedding complicated some things. To avoid taking attention away from his sister and her fiancé, Cole and Allison decide to pretend to still be together for the duration of the wedding. The family vacation to Europe prior to the wedding may complicate things, but they both agreed to fake it.

This was the decision that was best for everyone. They would figure things out and tell everyone about the separation when they got back from the trip. And so, they would just have to fake it... just for now."

I'm so excited for you all to read this! I'll also, hopefully, even be updating every Sunday! Can you believe it? Consistent posting? Wild.

Anyways, the first two chapters and prologue are up! Hope you all enjoy :)

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