🤍 Epilogue 🤍

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💟 WARNING : adorable content ahead 💟


Waking up, you smiled at the warm feeling of being next to your husband, Jungkook, who was sound asleep on his tummy, his bare back being exposed to the warm sunrays that peaked through the curtains of the large windows of your house.

You scooted closer to him, your fingers tracing different shapes on his back. You pecked the areas your fingers were tracing, making Jungkook wake up from his deep sleep.

"Morning," you mumbled, laying your head on his back, your arms encircling his waist. "Had a good sleep?"

"Had an even better wake up," He smiled sheepishly, slowly turning around to face you.

You sat up, looking fondly at your husband whose eyes were just as sparkly as yours.

"Don't look at me like that," he joked, his hand finding yours under the blanket, his thumb caressing your palm.

"I just can't comprehend how can someone bring just so much happiness into one's life," you sighed, feeling genuinely exasperated of the boundless love you had for this man.

Jungkook didn't need to say anything else and just leaned in, kissing you softly, his touch saying much more than words could ever.

He lowered his hand on the small of your back, gently pulling you towards him, your hands positioning themselves on his chest to find balance.

"Jungkook!" you mumbled through the kiss, wanting to pull away in case any uninvited guests might come in.

"Sh..sh..sh," he shushed you, his lips never leaving yours, his arms pulling you even closer, making you collapse on top of him.

He kissed you ever so dotingly, his hands caressing your hair in the gentlest way possible, his presence, his scent, his action making you melt in his embrace.

Without you feeling it, a few tears left your eyes, the small drops staining your cheeks. "I really really really love you,"  you sniffled, hating your emotional side.

"Why are you so emotional these days," he cooed, his arm surrounding your back into a homely embrace. "You know I can't fit my love for you in words.." he pecked your forehead and before he could utter anything else, a little someone barged in, shouting. "Mommy, mommy!"

A little boy jumped on the bed, stepping on his father's foot as he made his way towards you.

"Ouch!" Jungkook whined, wanting Jeongsan to come to him.

"Mommy! Today?" your 4 years old boy whispered in your ear, not wanting his dad to hear your conversation.

"Today." you nodded your head, his warm breath tickling your skin. "I swear one day I'll eat these adorable cheeks of yours Sannie," you babied him, kissing his cheeks until he pushed you away. "Stopp" he giggled, falling on his back.

"What secret did you tell mommy?" Jungkook whined again, pulling in Jeongsan by his small feet.

Jeongsan laughed again, his feet being way too ticklish to resist his father's hold.

"You're daddy's boy, you shouldn't keep any secrets from me," Jungkook talked in baby voice, kissing his son's belly till the little one almost started crying of laughter.

You watched their interaction, tears forming inside your eyes once more as the picture in front of you seemed surreal. Was it even true? Were you even awake right now? Because it truly felt like a dream and you certainly didn't want to wake up.

"Look Jeongsan, your mommy is crying again, you are just so cute that she can't hold back her tears," Jungkook looked at you with nothing but love inside his eyes, Jeongsan clumsily sat up, scooting over to you in order to wipe your tears with his tiny baby hands.

"Are you crying because of me," he immitated some of his father's words, his baby talk being almost undecipherable.

You laughed, being amazed at how fast this smart baby was catching up to adult talk. "You know you are too smart for your age," you smiled, brushing his short hair away from his forehead. "The copy of your dad," you smiled, your eyes moving to the puppy eyes of the other man of your heart, Jungkook.

"So you're saying I'm making you cry, copy of your dad," he repeated after you, holding back a laugh from bursting out.

"Yeah, tears of joy and joy only," you laughed, falling back onto the soft mattress, causing Jeongsan to fall onto his dad's chest.

"Ouch," he held his head, showing he got hurt.

"Your dad's solid like a rock, isn't he?" you smirked, knowing how much Jungkook liked hearing compliments like this.

"I must agree with you two, my dears, I am indeed perfect," he laughed, big spooning the both of you as you all cuddled and giggled like the world would end tomorrow.


After your phone call with Alice, you went outside, wanting to inform Jungkook and Jeongsan about Alice's arrival tomorrow for dinner.

You stepped out of the large window-doors of the kitchen, your eyes meeting the immense garden your house came with, two little donuts having their father-son time.

"You almost built it!" your eyes sparkled in proudness at the view of the small playhouse Jungkook promised to build for Jeongsan as he wanted his own house.

"Fixing the last details so the owner could be one hundred percent satisfied," Jungkook winked at Jeongsan who was too busy running in joy around the small house.

"Be careful!" You said and right in that moment Jeongsan tripped over his feet, falling knees onto the grass.

Instantly, fat tears started rolling from his eyes, his screams going off like a deafening alarm.

His father watched his son overreact over a little fall, a small smile planted on his lips as he immitated Jeongsan and fell on his knees, fake crying just like him.

Jeongsan stopped for a second and looked at his dad, then at you looking from afar at both of them, and then he started crying again, but adding "Mommy!" now and then.

Jungkook repeated after him. "Mommy! I hurt myself!" he fake cried.

And you just watched the haotic scene unfold in front of your eyes and wondered "Will those neurons of yours be enough for these two walking chaoses?"

Jungkook crawled to Jeongsan, picking him up and continuing to fake cry until Jeongsan eventually stopped, growing tired of his father's annoying cry.

You took out your phone and took a photo of this moment, of the two men of your life that rocked your world harmonising perfectly together.


You told the boys to behave well before you left for the new bakery that opened not so far away from your house.

You had made a special order, and had one more place to go to that you didn't tell Jungkook about.

And after a few hours spent in the city, you finally got home, the unusual silence your house was surrounded in making you question whether your boys were really there or went outside.

You went to the kitchen to check if they were there - nothing. You went upstairs, walking in your shared bedroom - no one. You didn't want to shout their names just in case Jeongsan was sleeping.

You then finally stepped inside Jeongsan's room, the view in front of your eyes making you let out a muffled giggle.

His dad was dead asleep on the fluffy mug, Jeongsan next to him with a pack of crayolas, coloring his father's tattoos.

At the sight of you, Jeongsan tried standing up but fell inevitably on the mug, giggling at his clumsiness.

You pointed a finger at your lips, motioning him to keep quiet. "Come here," you whispered, making sure not to wake your husband up.

"Change of plans, donut," you winked at him, your little boy clapping in excitement.


this was a long chapter so i'll write a part 2 hehe ^^

oh how i wish to have a life like theirs 😭

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