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your pov;

you were a little bit surprised when he agreed without asking why you would want him to get that necklace instead of your boyfriend.

he was slightly confused at your sudden question, but when he saw the panic in your eyes, he understood that he should just agree. plus it was a benefit for him, he will make 2 girls happy with just one action. his girlfriend - because he'll gift her the most beautiful necklace, and you - because you asked him to not let your boyfriend get that necklace.

the man who was on the stage, auctioning, was about to say the next price.

"i'm going to announce a very tempting amount of money for this mesmerizing necklace, l'incomparable, so please mr. jeon and mr. oh, get ready," he spoke, his voice echoing throughout the spacious room.


"180.000$," sehun quickly raised his hand up, trying to give off confident vibes but the worry was visible on his face — a sign of him clearly being afraid of not being able to pay such price for just a necklace.

"250,"a deep voice from behind you was heard, making everyone tilt their head into its direction.

dozens of pair of eyes were fixed on jeon, making him speak up again.

"250.000 and it's mine." he spoke nonchalantly, being more than just sure about his victory.

"wow, that's such a pretty amount of money, but let us see what mr. oh has to offer, is he still in?"

sehun eyed the man on the stage, then tilted his head to you, attempting to see what was your reaction to what he had just done.

"it's okay sehun, don't buy it," he relaxed a bit thanks to your reassuring words, not wanting to face your parents right now because of the killing stare they were giving him.

sehun didn't raise his hand.

"congratulations mr. jeon! l'incomparable is yours now!" after the man announced who the winner was, everyone started applauding and cheering for the new owner of the most expensive and beautiful necklace.

"what the hell do you think you're doing?!" your dad shouted angrily, the vein on his forehead becoming more proeminent.

"the necklace is not worth 250.000$, the jeon guy is insane," sehun said confidently, wanting to calm your angered parents down.

"well our daughter is!" anger filled your dad's voice, making you start to worry about how serious the situation was becoming.

"why don't you just sell her for real money?!" sehun barked back, feeling done with your dad's bullshit. he couldn't let anyone look down on him. never.

the conversation was becoming louder and more people started watching you all.

including jeon.

"either way i was going to sell her, and if it's not you, it can be whoever wants her." your dad spoke through gritted teeth, trying not to rip sehun's head off.

"fine, maybe i couldn't buy that shitty necklace, but i'll buy her." sehun said, throwing his credit card on the table, in your parents.

he stood up, harshly grabbing your hand by your wrist.

"take those damn 300.000$." he spat, his grip becoming tighter.

"w-what? what are you d-doing?!" you asked, your voice cracking.

"you're mine now, my property, thank them for being the caring and loving parents they are." he said sarcastically, forcing you to stand up as well.

everyone was watching you two, scared, but not surprised.

"b-but...mom, dad? do something, i'm begging!" even though you knew they would do nothing, you still begged them because, maybe, a little bit of mercy will be left in their hearts and they will save you from him.

they still were your parents.

but they didn't. no one helped you.

he dragged you out of that place aggressively, your tears spilling out uncontrollably. your wrist was getting purplish and you could feel how much it'll hurt tomorrow, the bruise becoming more darker. you knew very well that you might not survive this night, only god knows how much anger is overflowing sehun in those moments, and how much he'll hurt you this night, but you still hoped that you will escape from this disgusting situation you're in.

you still hoped so.

he pushed you inside his black car, in the front seat, barking angrily:
"you'll pay for your parents' words, for the embarrassment you three made me go through," he spoke in such a tone that made your legs tremble out of fear.

and in that moment, sehun began to show you his real self.

he drove off from that place, silence engulfing the both of you.

"please let me go, i'll give you those damn 300.000$ back so we don't owe you anyth-" you didn't get to finish your sentence as his strong palm landed on your face, a loud slap echoing in your ears.

that slap was so hard that it made you cover your face with your hands to lessen the pain. unknowingly, tears started rolling down your cheeks, making you sob. and he heard you.

"you're gonna regret it. you should know from now on that I hate when women cry. and if they do, they regret it later."  he laughed, adoring how you quickly shut your mouth, fear taking over you.

oh god, you had no escape from him.

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