🤍 Epilogue part 2 🤍

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"Change of plans, donut," you winked at him, your little boy clapping in excitement.

You picked him up, tiptoeing to Jungkook's office in order to take some papers from his bureau, first point on your list.

You then went to your bedroom, not wanting to create a mess in Jungkook's office. You laid Jeongsan on the bed, leaving the crayolas and papers next to him.

"Do you know what we're going to do now?" you asked Jeongsan who looked at you with puppy eyes, curiously listening to every sound you made.

"We're going to make something similar to a treasure map for your daddy and you will help me with that, right?" you smiled knowing the little boy didn't quite understand what you were referring to but nevertheless he was willing to help.

You started cutting the papers in smaller ones, writing something on every piece. Then you gave them to Jeongsan who made small drawings on each of them.

"You're so good at drawing baby," you cooed, adoring the tiny drawings Jeongsan left on every paper. "The copy of your daddy.." you sighed, a feeling of comfort settling itself in the bottom of your heart and soul.

You could have never wished that one day you'll be blessed to have a man like Jungkook be the father of your children, after all the painful events you had to go through all those years ago.

Before you got any more emotional, you quickly finished writing your papers, knowing you didn't have much time left since Jungkook could wake up at any moment.

"Done," Jeongsan cheered, satisfied with all the drawings he had made.

"Now, we need to place them around the house," you whispered to Jeongsan, placing the papers in some rooms and when you got to the final room - an empty room you had ready in case there would be any more additions to the family - and there certainly would be, you placed the final paper with the little surprise you took care of while being out in the city.

"Now baby boy, you're going to wake daddy up and make sure to bring him here, I'll be hiding in another room and come in when the time is ready, and you'll tell him what we learned, okay?" you explained everything slowly, making sure Jeongsan understood your plan.

"Okay!" he shouted the word okay in the most Jungkook way possible, a thing he learned from his dad.

While Jeongsan ran up to where his dad was peacefully sleeping, you went to your bedroom to take care of one little detail.


Jungkook woke up to a ticklish sensation coming from his neck. When his eyes opened, he took notice of a giant ball of warmth sitting on his chest, his son's fingers playing with the skin of his neck.

"Daddy wake up!" Jeongsan bounced on his chest, making Jungkook cough jokingly in pain.

"I'm being continuously woken up in unique ways," he mumbled, holding Jeongsan up and sitting up himself.

When his eyes fell onto his tattooed arm, he didn't understand if he was still dreaming or not. "Is this coloured or am I seeing things?" he asked his son who looked up adorably at him.

"I draw," Jeongsan smiled, his fingers showing his dad what and how he colored it.

"My little artist," Jungkook cooed, picking Jeongsan up and standing up from the floor. "It is very beautiful, I will never wash it off," Jungkook nodded his head, as if making a promise.

"Did your mommy come home?" Jungkook asked, remembering you had promised to come in no minute yet he fell asleep and completely lost track of time.

"Mommy wants to play a game!" Jeongsan giggled, holding his father's collar and pointing to his bed.

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