part 1 | season 2

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instagram: @ linafics
Your pov
You were woken up by someone's fingers gently playing with your hair. You slowly looked up only to see a sleepy Jungkook smiling sheepishly at you.

You looked around with your eyes only to see that you were in your shared bedroom. You kept the eye contact with Jungkook, then every moment that happened last night was coming back to you. When the last moments of yesterday's night were playing in your head, you didn't even notice that tears started staining your cheeks. At that sight, Jungkook quickly wiped them away, smiling sadly at you.

"Baby don't cry... we're together now.. everything's fine." he said pulling you closer by your chin then placing a sweet kiss on your lips.

"I love you Jungkook. I really do." you said trying to memorize every feature of his face, because you won't be able to see him ever again.

"Y/n don't get sad because of what happened yesterday... it's the past and the past should be forgotten." he said smiling at you, but little did he know that those words stabbed your heart like sharpened knives. How could he say such things when whom you actually have to forget is him...not Sehun.

Flashback | yesterday's evening

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" you started helplessly screaming, hoping that at least somebody will hear you and help you out.

"Tsk.." Sehun laughed. "We're in the middle of a huge garden and you think some of those drunk guests will hear your pathetic screams? When inside, the music is at full blast?" he laughed again, being amazed by your helpless state.

"Please.." you begged crying. "Please help him! I beg you..." you were holding Jungkook's head on your lap, trying to somehow bring his consciousness back.
"I have a deal for you Y/n." he said approaching you.

"Everything. Just save him." you said trying to stop the tears which were flowing down your cheeks.

"Sign the papers." he said grabbing the documents and the pen then handed them to you.

"B-but.." you stuttered knowing that if you don't sign the papers, Jungkook might die, but if you signed them, he'll be saved, he'll live, maybe without you, but his heartbeat is way more important than the happiness he could bring into your life. He is more important than everything else for you.

"If you really love him, sign the papers." your mom added, her hands shaking out of the nervousness she was feeling. You took the pen in your hand, trying to stop the tears from wetting the papers. You quickly wiped them away, and eyed the paper in front of your eyes.

A marriage with the man that is able to kill you with bare hands? You clearly weren't ready for that, but the fate was clear when it put you through so many hardships, just to show you that you and Jungkook weren't meant to be.

You were ready to fight more, just to have a happy life with Jungkook, but the circumstances you were in, didn't let you.

You felt like everything was against you and now that you were on the verge of losing the last person that truly loved you, you honestly didn't care about yourself anymore. All you wanted is Jungkook to be happy, even without you. Because at that moment you understood that you never were and never will be happy. You thought you don't deserve to smile nor to be happy. That was your fate since the very beginning.

Your shaking hand hesitated at first, but you finally did it. You signed the marriage papers which also meant you accepted the ticket to hell. "Take it. And keep your promise." you said through gritted teeth, giving him the coldest and most disgustful glare you've ever given him.

"Mother-in-law bring the pills." he said to your mom who was already searching for something in her purse.
"Here." she handed the pills to Sehun who hesitated to gave them to you.

"What now?!" you said exasperatedly, showing that you were tired, tired of his endless cunning games.

"Aren't you curious about the way i found out what type of pills he should get for getting better?" he laughed shamelessly, knowing that you were wrapped around his finger.

"That doesn't matter, now give me the fucking pills." your impatience took over, making you angrily spat, then yank the pills out of his hand, accurately giving them to Jungkook.

"Swallow them.. please.." you whispered feeling hot tears stream down your cheeks while holding his head up so he would be able to swallow them in a easier way.
"Give me some water!" you said nervously, feeling like you'd explode in any second.
Your mom quickly reacted and gave you a bottle of water. You opened it while accurately pouring a small amount of water in his mouth.

"Why isn't he recovering?!" you said watching Jungkook with no expression on his face. "The pills are doing its effect. Be patient." he said calmly, sitting on the chair near you two.

"Till then, i want to ask you a question, has Arria visited you?" he smirked already knowing the answer.
"Yes. She apologized to me for what she has done." you replied shortly, not moving your eyes from Jungkook's face.

"She had the nerve to apologize?" he laughed. "She was the one who told me about Jeon's illness."
"What?!" you asked surprised not believing that Arria would be such a malicious person.

"He has some health problems with alcohol. His body has an allergic reaction to the alcohol, and when he consumes it, his lungs inflame and he doesn't have access to oxygen, and it becomes hard to breathe. If he doesn't take the pills at the right time, he might die from oxygen deficiency." he explained looking at Jungkook's pitiful state.

" I will kill her." you said angrily, feeling your blood boiling inside you. "And i'll kill you too." you continued, feeling how all the hatred you had towards the persons who destroyed your happiness, gathered up into a huge stone on your heart.

"Darling, i'm your legal husband now, you are now tied up to me." he shamelessly laughed, showing that he didn't have any drop of sympathy or compassion left in his soul.
"I'm going to beg you for one more thing." you exhaled, building up the courage you needed for saying the next words.

"What is it?"
"Let me be with him for the last time. Let me feel his love for the last time. Let me love him for the last time." you said wiping off your tears. "What will i get if i let you?"

"After this night I won't bother him ever again and i'll respect our deal. I won't run away from you." you said convincingly.
"For the last time." he said standing up and going back to the mansion, your mother following him from behind, leaving you and Jungkook alone.

"Jungkook i'm so so sorry." you said kissing his forehead, a few of your tears falling onto his forehead. "I hope one day you'll forgive me." you said backing away from his sudden movement. He started coughing, trying to take in more oxygen.

"W-what happened?" he asked feeling how the pain from his chest lessened.
"You fainted." you said softly placing your palms on his cheeks, trying to check if everything's actually alright. "I'm fine." he assured you. "It was because I drank too much." he continued, showing that he indeed was feeling better. "Have we finally gotten rid of them?" he asked, his eyes filled with hope.

"Yes." you lied biting your lip, trying to prevent the tears from flowing down. "Finally you are mine." he said standing up then picking you up bridal style. "Finally I am yours and you are mine." he said heading to his car while holding onto you like you were the last drop of oxygen which could save his life.

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