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It was almost midnight, finally you and Jungkook were now home.


Were you even allowed to call it home? Well, it definitely  felt more like home than it felt at the house where you lived before with your parents, who so cold-heartedtly gave up on you.

As wrong as it was, Jungkook's home felt more like home for you than your own house ever felt for you.

After the deal you both agreed to, you haven't spoken a word. Maybe it was because you were too deep in your thoughts that you didn't even take notice of Jungkook calling out to you.

When you were about to open the door to the house, a loud noise was heard from inside.

"What was that?" you flinched at the sudden noise, goosebumps popping up all over your skin . "Thieves?" you voiced out your thoughts, Jungkook letting out a small laugh at your scaredy cat face.

"No one has the guts to enter my house without me knowing it. That must've been Arria." he reasoned.

"Oh my god did she hurt herself?" you asked with an worried expression on your face, hurrying to open the door and see what happened.

Pitch black.

That's all you saw when the door was opened.

"Where is the light switch?" you asked out loud, trying to find it. You felt like you were blind, you saw nothing, only pitch black in front of your eyes. You tried touching something ahead of you to know where exactly you were and to be able to coordinate yourself.

"Shit." you hissed, feeling a stinging pain pierce your foot. You now stood  on one leg, trying to feel what caused your pain.

"What the hell is this?" you mumbled, feeling something sharp and cold on the surface of your foot.

Jungkook quickly found the light switch, a blinding light appearing in the living room after he turned them on.

"Oh my god." Jungkook rushed to you, lifting you up, carrying you bridal style to the couch. "Are you okay? Who caused all of this mess?" He asked you with worry in his eyes, a hint of anger being obvious in his tone.

"Just like you said earlier, no one would dare to come here without your permission, besides Arria." you said trying to cover your bleeding foot with the blanket that was next to you.

"I'm gonna go get the medical kit." he sighed before heading to the bathroom, knowing that now his priority was to treat your bleeding foot and then clarify why and who caused this mess.

What the hell was that and why is the floor of the living room covered in broken glass? And the smell was horrible, everything smelt like alcohol. The broken glass was from alcohol bottles, of course... Has Arria been drinking?

"Look who's here.." a woman's voice echoed throughout the large living room, making you shiver. "Y/n.." the tone of her voice became louder, a sign of her approaching you.

"Be careful, there's broken glass all over the floor." you told her trying to move your body to face her, but the pain from your right leg didn't let you do so.

"I don't give a single fuck about the floor or what is on it." she said as she stepped right on the broken glass, the sound of the sharp pieces of glass getting into her bare feet made you heart ache in pain. How could she be so careless about her own state?

-"Why are you here, Y/n?" she asked, her voice tipsy.

"Becau-" she cut you off, not bothering to listen to what you had to say.

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