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Ever since the day you met his parents, Jungkook started acting strangely towards you. Maybe that was because of the sudden confession he did back then or maybe because he started understanding that you were catching feelings for him.

However you never thought seriously of his confession:

"I didn't think this will go that far." he continued, looking right into your eyes. "This far?" you asked confused. "I have feelings for you Y/n." he said leaning in, almost breaths away from your lips."

You thought of it as a simple joke. He was probably just kidding.

It's been almost 2 weeks since the day  Arria spat out all the emotions she hid in herself, when Sehun did threaten you, when you met his parents.

You've been through so much in the past few weeks, but with Jungkook being next to you, all the worries you had were nothing compared to the joy he brought into your life.

You and Jungkook moved to his apartment, a way of showing Sehun and Arria that you two had serious intentions about your relationship.

The days would go fastly by, because Jungkook would always be busy at work and you had nothing to do but sleep. It didn't bother you though you'd prefer something more than just laying in bed during the whole day.

But today was different.

You were preparing some coffee for both you and Jungkook, and he was trying to find a movie worth watching.

You barely had this kind of nights with him because he had a bunch of work papers to scan and sign. He has a tough work but no matter what, he enjoyed doing it.

When he finally set everything, you entered the living room with two cups of coffee in your hands, walking slowly and careful to not spill anything.

You placed the cups onto the grayish coffee table and laid on the couch next to Jungkook.

Even though you believed that you're the only one who has caught feelings, so did Jungkook, he also thought he's the one who's suffering from one sided love, because you surely never caught on to his confessions, always assuming it was part of the deal you two had settled.

If just one of you had the courage to speak up about the feelings you had, who knows, maybe right now you'd be in his arms, head leaning onto his chest, and him playing softly with your hair, then giving soft kisses on your small hands.

But sadly you weren't his and he yours.

The movie was pretty boring so you slowly drifted off to sleep, closing your heavy eyelids. The silence didn't last much because of the ringing phone. Jungkook's ringing phone.

"Good evening." Jungkook's voice made you open your eyes and look at him with a confused frown.

"Jungkook..?" you whispered tapping his shoulder.

"It's your dad" he mouthed, trying not to make a sound. You on the other hand started growing worried so you sat up right next to him, closing the gap between your bodies. You motioned him to put the call on speaker so you could be able to hear what he's talking about.

"As we've heard, you and our daughter are planning on having a bright future together, right?" your father said with a mischievous grin.

"Yes we are." Jungkook confirmed, looking into your frightened eyes.

"Me and my wife were thinking that if the rumors about you two dating are true, then we should celebrate it at our mansion."

So that's what your father was planning.

"Oh... I don't think your daughter would like to go..." Jungkook mumbled, scratching the back of his neck, not knowing what to answer.

"Tell her this event will be as an apology from us. Tell her we're really sorry." Jungkook was looking straight at you, trying to read your eyes.

Their words really caught you off guard because your parents never even knew what an apology is.

"Please. She's our only daughter. Let us bring publicly our apology to her and if she accepts it we'll be the happiest parents ever, and if not, I guess we deserved it..." your father, whimpering at thr end.

"We'll be here." Jungkook finally agreed, making you lightly hit him.

"I'll send you the address and the time. Thank you Jungkook." your father thanked him then hung up.

"What do you think you're doing?" you scolded him, pinching his arm again.

"It hurtsss stop!" he laughed. "But really, let's go, maybe your parents really want to apologize to you." he gave you a soft look, and you couldn't believe it. Did this man really think every parent was like his?

"Pfft please." you scoffed.

"Maybe it's the only way you'll be able to free yourself from here." he looked away, fidgeting with his fingers.

"Do you want me to?" you mustered up the courage to ask him this, getting tired of this game/deal you were playing.

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean." you stood up from the couch, understanding only now that he doesn't reciprocate your feelings.

"Stop." he grabbed your hand, stopping you from walking away.

"The real question is, do you want to free yourself from here?" he asked looking right into your eyes, making you weak in the knees.

"I... I don't know." you breathed out, looking down at your feet, feeling helpless.

"Will you know if I do this?" after he let these words out, he grabbed you by your waist, lifting you up. He was looking up at you and you down at him.

"Wha-" your words got cut off by his lips crushing onto yours. He started moving them softly, making you lose yourself into the kiss, your heart skipping beats at his each breath.

"I thought my feelings towards you were obvious." he breathed out, still not letting you down. You were shocked because you didn't expect this to happen at all.

"I love you." he whispered, your lips feeling the warmth of his breath.

"The moment I saw you, my heart told me to not let you go." he confessed, pressing his lips onto yours once again, this time you put your hands on either side of his face, kissing him back, and he slowly let you down not parting away.

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