18 | Final season 1

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Jungkook's pov

I approached the table filled with glasses of champagne, feeling a bit anxious of what could happen next.

"Good evening." I politely bowed to both of them, a small smirk creeping onto my face.

"Glad you both made it." her father answered, giving me a smile.

"It was hard to convince her but in the end she finally agreed." I chuckled, trying to start a conversation.

"How did you convince her mhm?" Sehun butted in, trying to put me in a bad light in her father's eyes.

"I have my ways." I smirked victoriously. Her father noticed it and gave Sehun a calm down look then he turned his gaze on me.

"Let's celebrate your bright future with my daughter." he said, taking 2 glasses of champagne which were put on a small table right next to the bottle of champagne.

"I don't drink." I said shortly, not wanting to explain myself in front of them.

"Come on, it's just champagne and it has 12% of alcohol." her father said handing me the glass of champagne.

"Only 12?" I said surprised, feeling relieved that I could actually drink something not so strong at this event. I can only drink alcohol which has 15% or less alcohol percentage.

"Cheers !" her father said, clinking his glass with mine.

The moment I took a sip of it, it felt like a thunder struck right through my whole body. It burnt..

"Is it good?" Sehun said laughing on the inside.

"No. It tastes cheap." I lied trying to hold in the burning sensation I was feeling.

"It does?" her father said offended.

"Are you sure it's only 12%? It seems like it's more than 40." I asked,  attentively analyzing his reaction.

"You probably didn't drink in awhile... that's why you think it's so strong.."

"Mhmm.." I slightly chuckled. "I guess you're right." I ended the discussion and went to look for Y/n.

I searched for her in the whole house, and she was nowhere to be found.

Don't tell me they did the same to you...

Those thoughts were messing up my mind, making it harder for me to think clearly. Was it only those thoughts that had such an impact on me or something else was doing its effect?

I went out to look for her outside. And the view that was in front of my eyes was unbelievable. Her family had a huge garden. A labyrinth garden.

I eyed the small white gates of the garden and sighed "Why does this happen to me?" then a painful headache flashed throughout my head, making me bend down and hold my head in pain.

"Please not now." I mumbled under my breath then took all the strength that was left in me and slowly stood up, opening the cold metal gates.

"Y/n!" I shouted out loud, thinking that she'll hear me and answer me. But she didn't. My vision started to become blurry, and the headache stronger. If only I didn't drink that shitty champagne, I'd be able to find her. But no, I knew very well what will happen if i drank that, yet I still drank it.

I swore to myself that I won't drink ever again, and everything could've gone better if they didn't lie to me. That champagne clearly had more than just 12% of alcohol.

"Y/n!" I shouted again, my voice becoming weaker and weaker by every shout I let out. It was consuming all of my energy.

"Just shut up, won't you?" a voice was heard behind my back. I turned around, seeing a smirking Sehun in front of me.

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