The One With the Confrontation

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I sat at the dining table, staring at my hands. My mind raced, thought after thought hitting me one after another. 

What was Neal about to walk into? Should I have gone with him? Had I made the right choice? What was my life going to look like? Were we really going to face the full weight of the Red Pine pack?

No. Neal would be fine. He could handle his father. Unless there were enough still loyal to his father to tip the scales away from Neal's favor. 


I looked up, finally blinking. "What?"

"Are you okay?" Abbi asked. 

"I really don't know, Abs."

"What's going on?"

"I don't know."

"Do we need to do something?"

"I don't know, Abs." I spread my hands out on the tabletop, my fingers splayed. 

"Sorry," she whispered. 

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose before rubbing my eyes. Abbi's emotions hit me like a brick. I was too exhausted to hold them back any further. She was just as confused and worried as I was, and I really couldn't handle feeling it times two. 

"Abs, can you please lock it down? I can't."

"Sorry," she whispered again. 

It was almost instant, the relief of feeling only my own emotions. I put my hands behind my neck before rolling it from side to side. 

"Don't be sorry. I'm sorry."

"Cyn, you have no reason you be sorry. You've been through hell and back."

"I don't like not knowing, and right now I just don't know anything."

"Do you think you should go to Neal?" Abbi sat down in the chair next to me. 

My mom had given us space. I know she wanted to be here too, but she had her own things to sort through. 

"I don't think that would be a good idea. The last thing Neal needs is me there to get in the way of him and his father. His dad is really not a fan of mine."

"But you could help him."

"Or get in the way." I crossed my arms, leaned forward and pressed my forehead against them. 

"You didn't get in the way out there. You're prepared to take down another pack, but you think you'd get in the way between Neal and his father?"

"Do you really think that's a good idea?"

"Cyn, he's your mate. You've already decided to be with him; you've decided you'd go to war for him. Now is your time to stand with him."

Abbi was right. I couldn't just leave Neal alone to deal with everything on his own. His father could be dangerous. I had no idea how his mother would take the news. If I was prepared to go up against an entire pack, the least I could do was face my mate's parents.

"Oh no." I braced my hand on the table and stood quickly. 

"What?" Abbi shot right up.

"Ophelia and her father from Red Pine; they have been staying at the Stryker house."

"You let him literally walk into the wolf's den alone?! Cyn, you need to go."

I nodded and quickly made my way outside. I cut through the yards and through the main court, moving as fast as I could. My heart raced not only from the speed but out of fear of what I might walk into if I was too late. 

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