The One With the Incident

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"You have got to be kidding." Abbi dropped the duffel in the middle of our usual spot. 

I pulled the four daggers out immediately, feeling their weight in my hands. 

"Girl, I wish I was. And then he has the audacity to suggest that I be his consort." I bunched the four blades together and threw them in the air, using my magic to sink two blades into each of the two trees in front of me. 

"Consort? Disgusting. Like you would be someone's side ho? No, he has another thing coming." Abbi crossed her arms and popped her right hip out. "You're no one's side piece. You're the whole dang course. You're the mate."

I laughed at her words. 

The power crackled along my skin, stronger than it had ever been before. 

"Cyn, I'm serious. You are gorgeous, and you're a badass. I mean look at what you just did. There is zero reason that a jerk like Neal should be bringing you down. Mate or not, he's a jackass for even considering this Ophelia Merge."

"It's a smart move though, Abs. The pack's numbers grow, which means we have more defenders, and to have a Witch for defense, that's pretty damn great."

"Having a Mentalist would be better though," she said as she pulled the daggers from the bark. 

"A full Mentalist, sure. A half Mentalist like me? Debatable. At least for the first few years. I have a long way to go before I'd be decent at defending anyone." I paused for a moment, soaking in the feel of the magic thrumming through me. "Actually, there's something I want to try. Throw those at me."

Abbi tilted her head to the side, brows furrowed. "Excuse me?"

"Throw them at me. Directly at me."

"Cyn, I'm not going to kill you just because Neal is being a jerk."

I rolled my eyes. "No, seriously. I have something I want to try."

"And you want to try it for the first time with real blades coming right at your face?"

"I have a feeling that's the best way to make sure it works."

When I'd run from Neal's house, my magic had overwhelmed, snapping large branches straight from the trees around me. My anger had allowed me to control the blades mid flight. I had a feeling that my emotions had some tie to my powers, and they seemed to be growing stronger. I was betting, or rather hoping, that holding onto that fear would help me. 

"I don't know about this, Cyn."

"Just do it."

Abbi took a deep breath and launched all four blades in my direction. 

I held both my arms up, palms out flat in Abbi's direction. My eyes closed. I could feel the impact when the blades slammed against the shield I put up before they fell to the ground. 

When I opened my eyes, they were just a foot in front of me, lying in the grass. 

"Shit, Cyn. That's a little too close for comfort."

"But it worked," I said with a smile. 

"It did, but you wouldn't be able to stop anything faster than that."

"I would if the shield was already up."

Abbi slowly started to smile too. "You know what this means, don't you?"

"It means that I can defend."

"Not only can you defend, you can attack. You are a Mentalist, girl."

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