We Are Not Your Lovers

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Song on the side: Little Death, You Me At Six

"Um, Kaitlyn?" I said to my best friend as we drove to Starbucks.  

"Yeah?" "I'm kind of scared." 

"Why are you scared?" Kaitlyn asked me. "Well, what if he doesn't like me?" I asked her.

"Of course he'll like you! He asked you out to this."

"Yeah, I know, but what if it was just Phil wanting to see you? And Dan didn't want it to be awkward so he asked me?" I asked her, as Finders Keepers came on.

"Stop worrying, and start singing your favourite You Me At Six song!" Kaitlyn yelled. I laughed, and started singing.

"FINDERS KEEPERS! Will you keep me in mind!?" We sang the whole way there, and arrived 5 minutes late.

We ran inside, fixed ourselves, and walked through the second set of doors.

"Hey guys!" Phil said into a camera in the corner of the shop. Dan motioned for us to come over.

We went over and sat beside Dan.

"He's filming a video." Dan said. I nodded, and Kaitlyn watched. Facinated.

"And Dan-" Phil pointed the camera to Dan.

"And I have 2 special guests." Phil said. I gasped, quietly.

"This is Kaitlyn, and this is Elizabeth." Dan put his arm around my shoulder affectionately. I blushed.

"Hey." I said quietly. Kaitlyn smiled, and went to sit with Phil.

"Ugh! The service here's awful!" I complained, trying not to laugh, as a waiter walked past. "My turn." Dan whispered, giggling.

"I OWN THIS BITCH!" Dan yelled as he sat across his chair. We all burst out laughing.

"My turn." Phil whispered. He held up his hand, and a waiter came.

"Hello, sir. What would you like?" He asked politely. We all looked at him expectantly.

"I want tea." He told him. "2 sugars, 1 milk." He said. The man walked away, and Phil tried not to laugh.

"What's so funny about that?" Dan asked. "Just wait." Phil said.

The waiter came back. "Here you go, sir."

"Oh, did I say that I wanted decaf?" Phil said.

"This is tea, sir. Not coffee."

"The only reason I came in here was for coffee! I demand a coffee!" He yelled, standing up.

"I'm very sorry sir. We'll be right back." The man walked away, and we laughed.

The man came back once again, "Here's your decaf coffee." He set down the cup.

"Did I ask for Earl Grey?" Phil asked him.

"That's tea, sir."

"Then get me tea!"Phil yelled. The man scurried away.

"Come on, quick." Phil said, laughing.

We giggled with him and ran out of the coffee shop.

We laughed.

"Do you guys want to come over for a bit?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Yeah, sure! We walked so it won't be a problem." Dan replied.

"Okay! Get in, then!" Kaitlyn yelled and brought Phil to the front seat.

"That's what she said." Dan whispered and I laughed.

"You guys like You Me At Six?" Phil asked. We both nodded.

"They're our favourites." We informed them.

I turned on the first song, which was Liquid Confidence (Nothing To Lose) and we all started to sing along.

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