After All This Time I'm Still Into You

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Song on the side: Still Into You, Paramore

I woke up, and smiled. Dan's mouth was hanging open as he slept, and his arm was around me protectively. My head was on his shoulder.

I was both tired and hungry, so I decided to eat, brush my teeth, and then go back to sleep.

I carefully pulled Dan's arm off of me and sat up slowly. I stood up silently and crept into the kitchen. I heard someone yawn, and the creaking of a cushion. At least I thought I had been silent.

"Lizzy?" Dan whispered. "In here!" I whispered back. Dan tip-toed into the kitchen, checking to make sure Kaitlyn and Phil were still asleep. They were lying in front of the T.V.

"Why are you up so early?" Dan whispered.

"I'm hungry so I was going to get some cereal! Why are YOU up?" I replied. He shrugged. "You woke me up." He answered, nonchalantly.

"Go back to sleep, then." I told him.

He shook his head, and opened the fridge. "Hey! This isn't your house! You can't just eat and sleep as you please!" I said, kiddilly.

He was about to reply, when a soft yawn sounded from the living room.

Dan looked shocked, and put his hand over his mouth, grinning.

I grinned back, as Phil walked in, hair in disarray, clad in pyjamas and slippers.

"Why are you 'yawn' up so early?" Phil questioned. I looked at the clock on the stove.

3:16 A.M.

I gasped, and looked at Dan, who was laughing now. I laughed with him, but covered my mouth when I heard another set of footsteps coming down the hall.

"Guys! It's 3:00 A.M! Go back to bed!" Kaitlyn scolded.

"Geez, when did you become my mother?" Dan said, laughing. We couldn't help but laugh with him.

I went back into the living room, and dreamed of Dan.


My phone buzzed, and I pulled it out of my pocket. 10:00 A.M.

I always forget to shut off my alarm on weekends!

I got up and looked around. Where is everybody?

"And I asked him where he put the soup, and he said in the kitchen! And I looked in the cupboards, and it was right there all along!" I heard Dan say from the kitchen, followed by laughter.

I don't get it. Eh. Guess you had to be there.

I walked towards the kitchen, and saw Kaitlyn handing a coffee to Dan and Phil. They thanked her, and headed towards the living room again.

"Good morning!" Kaitlyn said to me, handing me my own cup.

"Morning." I replied, yawning. "How can you guys get up so early!? Especially you, Dan!" I looked at him, and he shrugged.

"How do you know I'm not a morning person?"

I looked at him as if he were stupid.

"Oh right! You watch my videos! Told you I'm not a morning person." Dan said, looking at Kaitlyn. I guess I missed it...

"So, Chris and Pj called and were wondering if they could come over, and we told them we weren't at home, we were here, and they asked if they could come here. Thoughts?" Dan said, facing me again.

Phil looked at me with puppy dog eyes. Who could resist HIM!?

"Ugh! Fine! Not fair, Phil. I would have said yes anyways." I said, sternly. Everyone laughed but me.

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