What Are We Doing I Am So In Love With You

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Song on the side: No One Does It Better, You Me At Six

Dan's POV

"Sorry I've caused you so much trouble. I'm leaving. I'll come back later. If you want to see me.


I had read and re-read that text about ten times now, and it still hadn't gotten through my brain.

She had left.

I had loved her, and she had left. All over a stupid mishap. It was all my fault, I shouldn't have kissed her. Seeing her with Pj kills me, but not seeing her at all tears me apart.

I had tears in my eyes as I sipped my tea. I thought about calling her, but I knew that that definitely wasn't what she would want right now. She had probably wanted to think for a bit, and get her mind off of things, so I just waited until she came home.

Phil had called me that night, asking if I had gotten the text, to which I had replied with a teary yes, a hug, and a nap.

Anyone who had seen me had questioned why I cared so much, and my answer had always been the same.

I don't know.

The truth was, I didn't know. I had no idea why this one fan-girl that I met in a dingy Starbucks one afternoon had such an effect on me, but it did, and it was terrifying.

But, in reality, I did know. I knew that I loved her, and that I needed her. How could I fall in love with someone so fast when we hadn't even dated, or shared anything other than a meaningless- well, on her part, probably- kiss? It was love at first sight, and I knew that we were meant to be.

That doesn't mean it was going to happen.

Author's Note

I'm a terrible human being, and I don't deserve to live for making you wait that long. And making it that short. But now you know Dan loves her, right? Right? I'm sorry. Free llamas and cupcakes if you comment!



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