I Built A Home, For Me, For You

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Song on the side: To Build A Home, The Cinematic Orchestra.

Elizabeth's POV

"I think we should break up." I heard Pj say it. That was the one thing I didn't want to hear. 

My brain couldn't process it, couldn't believe that this was actually happening. I wouldn't be with Pj anymore. 

"Wh-What?" I said in disbelief, surprised I could say anything at all. "I think we should break up." He said again.

Crying, I closed my eyes. Maybe this was right. Maybe we weren't actually meant for each other. Or we needed some time apart. 

I could give him that. I loved him. 

I nodded my head slowly. "I... I think it's... For the best..." I said, sadly, holding in my tears threatening to fall.

"I love you." I said, quietly. "I love you too." He told me. "I want you to find someone else, someone who will love you as I did."

"I don't know if I can." I said, quiet once again. Tears streaming down my face now. "You can. I know that... Dan loves you." He told me. 

My tears only ran faster. He thought I would want Dan over him!? 

I grabbed Pj and hugged him tightly. "I'll miss you." I said. "I'll miss you too." He replied.


After PJ had left, I began thinking about what he had said. Dan... loved me? I don't even know what i should think about that.

Did I, maybe, love Dan too?

Yes, I decided. I did love Dan. And I felt so guilty about it. But Pj wanted me to move on... He didn't want me anymore. 

Life is too confusing. I just want to get away.

I decided that what's best is for me to leave for a little bit, maybe visit some of my American friends... 

I'll do that.

I called all of my friends that would care, and told them I would be leaving for a little while. They all asked how long, but I didn't know myself. Until I could wrap my head around all of this.

I told Dan, Phil, Chris, Kaitlyn, and finally Pj.

I was going to get away.

Author's Note

Is it short!? Yes. Did you enjoy it!? Probably not. Will I actually work on this more!? Yes. Yes I will.

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