You Know I Love You

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Song on the side: Stay, Mayday Parade

Elizabeth's POV

It had been exactly 1 month since Chris and Pj had visited, and we were all already best friends.

I was still loving Dan, but I hid it well.

Have you ever had your heart and mind fighting 2 different feelings? Well, that's how I feel right now.

My heart feels like he feels the same, but my brain knows he doesn't.

It's so confusing!

My phone rang, and I looked at Dan with big, puppy dog eyes as he sat next to me.

He sighed. "Ugh, fine." Dan said, not hiding the smile on his face. He walked to the kitchen where I accidentally left my phone, and picks it up.

"Hello?" Dan said, walking back to the living room and sitting next to me.

"Oh hey, Peej! What's up? Mhm... Oh, nothing. Just sitting with Lizzy and kind of watching Adventure Time... Yeah, sure!" Dan handed the phone to me.

"Hey-lo!" I said into the speaker. "Hey Liz." I heard back.

"Hey Pj! What's goin' on?" I questioned. "Not much. Listen, do you think you could come over tomorrow at around 3-ish?" He asked me.

I nodded, he couldn't see me, "Yeah." I said aloud.

"Great! See you then!" Pj said. I smiled.

"Bye, Peej." I hung up the phone. "So, what did he want?" Dan asked.

"Oh, he just wanted to know if I could come over tomorrow at 3." I told him. He looked pained for a second, but smiled.

Maybe it was just my imagination?

The Next Day...

I stood up from my bed and started to walk over to my iPod dock. I put it on shuffle and was very happy to hear Supermassive Black Hole by Muse. One of my many favourite bands. I then went to my closet. I opened the wide double doors and sifted through.

"What to wear, what to wear..." I whispered.

I rummaged through my clothes until I saw something decent. My trusty Blue Skinny Jeans. I slipped them on and grabbed my Vans and a pair of white socks. I put both on and looked for a shirt.

I saw my danisnotonfire shirt that says, "I'm a danosaur! RAWR!" On it. I also grabbed my Llama hat. 

No. I was never a fan.

I picked up my mascara brush and stroke my eyelashes 3 times each. I then put on my eye liner on my upper lid and was ready to go.

At Pj's...

I knocked on the door and waited for him to open. He did after about 10 seconds and smiled.

"Hey, Elizabeth." Pj said. "Come in." He widened the door and stretched his arm out for me to enter. I did and smiled, taking off my shoes.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked, sitting on the couch.

"Well, um... I was wondering... Would... Would do you maybe like to go out? With-With me?" Pj asked, hesitantly. I smiled, and nodded.

"I'd love to."

Author's Note

OOOOHH! Plot twist! 

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