I'm Lost In Empty Pillow Talk

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Song on the side: If These Sheets Were The States, All Time Low

Elizabeth's POV

I walked down my hallway towards the door. Knock, knock. I heard again. It was probably Pj, or the girl guides... I could go for some girl guide cookies... You know, those coconut ones? Yeah, they're the best...

I was too busy in my own world that I didn't notice the door, and I slammed into it. I put my hand on my head and opened the door

There stood Dan, laughing at the sight of me. 

I sighed. "It's not funny." I moan. It really hurt! "Yeah, yeah, you're right," Dan said. "Sorry..." He said, trying to hold in his laughter.

I roll my eyes. "What did you want, then?" I asked him. He seemed to have forgotten, unless he only wanted to laugh at me. 

"Oh, right. I was just wondering if I could come inside for a bit?" He asked me. "Why?"

"Oh, you know... I just wanted to hang out for a bit." 

"Did you and Phil have a fight?" I asked him. He shook his head. "No, I just didn't want to be around him and Kaitlyn anymore. They're all lovey-dovey together, and it's disgusting!" He whined.

I roll my eyes again. "Well, what if we were dating!? It wouldn't be disgusting for you then." Crap. I should not have said that. 

Dan's cheeks flushed a light pink. "So, uh, anyways... Can I come in, then?" He asked me.

I nod, and move out of the way. He walks in, and I shut the door. He takes off his coat and shoes, before going to the couch. 

"Wanna play any video games?" He asked me. "Yeah, sure! Let's play... Mario Kart?" I suggested. He nodded, and I left him to do that while I made tea.

"Do you want tea, Dan?" I called. "Okay!" He called back.

I grabbed two mugs, and fixed ourselves up with sugar, milk, and the tea bags while I waited for the water to boil. I heard the familiar whistle of the kettle, and I poured the steaming water into our mugs.

I stirred Dan's cup as I walked out of the kitchen and into the Living room. I set his mug down in front of the couch on the coffee table, while he continued to set up the Gamecube.

I walked back to the kitchen and stirred my cup. I set mine down on the table too, and took the spoon from both of our cups. I threw them in the sink and sat down on the couch beside Dan, who was holding a controller out to me.

I took the controller, and we started to play. 

"Noooooo!!!! I almost had you! Stupid monkey..." I yelled, frustrated. "DIE, BABY SCUM!" Dan screamed, throwing a few red shells at me.

I was baby Mario and baby Luigi, while he was the flying Koopa and walking Koopa.

Dan won the race in first place, just a millisecond behind him was me, and then it was that stupid gorilla known as Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong.

I frowned, and turned to Dan.

"Rematch." I said to him. He turned as well, and our eyes locked. 

I can't kiss him! I thought to myself. I'm dating Pj!

But you want Dan.

Maybe so, but I'm still with Pj!

You wouldn't have to tell anyone.

You're a stupid brain!

Kiss him...

Before I knew it we were both leaning in, and our eyes closed. Our lips touched, and it was like fireworks erupted inside of me. Our lips moved as one, before we pulled away.

I gasped. "We did not just do that." I said aloud. Dan looked mildly horrified. "We did not just do that!" Dan repeated, stunned.

"Dan, since we just kissed, I feel I should tell you something..." I started. "I... I've been in love with you ever since I met you." I said, looking at him.

He looked taken aback for a second, before saying, "I have too."



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