Chapter 20

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I stood still as I watched the girl walk out of the store. The room seemed to spin around. I suddenly felt dizzy like I was gonna throw up.
"Hey are you okay?" Ashley walked over and asked me.
I looked at her tears forming in my eyes. I tightly closed them and dropped to the floor.
"I don't know what's wrong but I see whatever she said got to you. Go outside and breath I'll cover for you take your time"
I slowly stood up.
"If you need anything I'm here for you"
"Thank you honey. I'll be back in a few minutes I have to get my thoughts together I said through a sniffles.
She gave me a warm friendly hug. After a few seconds we both parted and I walked outside. The cool spring breeze hit my face.
I sat with my back against the wall watching the cars come and go.

I cleared my mind I didn't want this getting in the way of me working I will handle this when I find out the truth. I went back inside and did what I had to do the clock went by so slow, but 9:00 rolled around eventually. I managed through the day. Some rude customers came in, some helpless customers came in, some loud ghetto people came in just like usual but today it seemed to aggravate me like hell. I said bye to ashley and walked outside to wait for justice to get here. But she was already waiting.

"Hey babe how was work"
I looked at her and I wanted to bust out laughing and crying at the same time
"It was normal I'm just tired" I said casually with no emotion.
I seen her look at me out of the corner of my eye but she said nothing more.

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