Chapter 22

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Today justice had to work and she wouldn't be back until 5 so I had plenty of time to pack my things. I found a bomb ass apartment for only $750 a month with water and basic cable included. Since keysha is tired of staying with her mama so we decided we'll be roomies for a while, which will help me save up for a car that is truly needed.
As I finished packing the last of my things I looked around. I'm really gonna miss it here but I gotta do what's best for me, and stop sitting here looking dumb when I'm not even wanted. I said my goodbyes to everyone and asked them to not tell justice I was gone or tell her why. I want to leave her clueless just like she left me for the past 6 months. I'll talk to her when I fell the time is ready which won't be soon.
Keysha was waiting on me outside.
"I'm really gonna miss them even justice. They were so nice. No drugs no arguing or yelling. I had a home cooked meal every night. And on top of that I was treated like family." I said looking back at the house as we pulled out of the drive way.
"I know it's gone be hard you've just had a horrible break up just a few months ago and now this one. Your mom is in rehab getting better everyday. The man who used to beat you is now locked away. This past year you've been through hell and back, but now it's time to forgive and start living your life like it's suppose to be lived I'm not telling you to forget but forgive."
It was silent for awhile.
" I'm gonna wait a few months before I go to school. I'm community college material."I said. Even though I wanted to go experience the true college life. Live in dorms, party every night, be in a sorority. But things are changing so I have to adapt to these changes.
Keysha looked at me and laughed "Bitch I'm community college material. Girl your book smart and you know that all your reports cards are all A's you can go to any college you want to if you thought about it. We all will be perfectly fine without you knowing that your going to pursue your dream. Honestly I would love to get out of this hell hole and I know you do to but I don't have the opportunity to do that but you do and you should take advantage of that."

To Be Continued.......

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