13: Trust instincts not law

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"NOBODY DID AN AUTOPSY?" I heard Y/n. "Choi Sulli's brother, Choi WooShik didn't demand one, and their sister, Choi Jisu was too distressed to object to his decision," Yoongi said.

"What brother? What demand? What autopsy?" I asked them. Y/n massaged her temples and started breathing deeply. She gave me the same file from last night that she was about to show me and I took it from her. I read through it.

"So Choi Sulli, who was her grandfather's lawyer died in an accident?" I asked Yoongi and he nodded. "And Choi Jisu now filed a complaint against WooShik that he was the one who was paid by you to kill Sulli. Since she included your name in the will intentionally without your grandpa knowing. But when she threatened you to expose your secret, you paid him to kill her?" I asked her and she nodded.

I frowned. "This doesn't even make sense," I mumbled and turned to Y/n. "So she is claiming that her sister was killed by their brother?" I questioned, reading from the report. "Yes and the first trial will be tomorrow," Yoongi said.

"Since we are not the directly accused party we can't look for pieces of evidence we need to wait for the trial tomorrow. If the evidence goes against you, we can object to it," I said. They nodded at my words.


"If you look at the search keywords in the last search results of Mr. WooShik you can figure out that he is the killer," Prosecutor Lee from the plaintiff side representing Choi Jisu pointed out.

We were in the courtroom. Y/n was sitting beside me and Yoongi was sitting next to her.

"This search where he used the keyword, 'How to prevent the autopsy' so that he can bypass the evidence that can prove him to be the killer, the next one 'cost of cremation in Seoul' he chose cremation instead of a funeral so that the body cannot be taken out from the graveyard for further autopsy. My last point is that as soon as his sister died he claimed her insurance money. This clearly shows that he was more invested in the money rather than her sister's death," Prosecutor Lee explained.

"Objection your honor!" Advocate Shin from the defendant's side representing Choi WooShik protested. "Let us assume that my client wasn't the killer and look at the search results now. The first search result, 'How to prevent the autopsy' might be because he wanted to show respect to her sister's body and to ensure the person who has died is returned to the family as soon as possible so that they can rest in peace. And as for the insurance money, my client, Choi WooShik claimed it so that the policy firms don't blame him for being late to collect the money. Does that make sense now?"

"That doesn't make sense at all," I mumbled quietly.

Prosecutor Lee got up from his seat and set up audio. "This is the voice obtained from the black box of the car Choi WooShik and Choi Sulli were in when the accident took place," he said playing the audio.

"Sulli-ah, drink this!" a male voice spoke. "Soda? Thanks, Oppa!" a female voice replied. There was a silence but then suddenly, "Are you feeling tired?" the male voice asked.

"Yes, Oppa, I'm feeling tired," a groggy voice replied. "Then sleep," the male voice said. The audio stopped.

"And then the car accident happened. The passenger's seat was highly damaged but the driver's seat was not quite damaged. How fortunate can that be for Mr. WooShik? I would like to invite Officer Haru to testify," Prosecutor Lee said. The Officer was brought into the testifying panel.

"Officer Haru, you were the first one to arrive at the scene. Could you please describe what you saw there?" Prosecutor Lee demanded.

"I went there with my patrolling team and the car was smashed on a pole. The passenger's side was completely wrecked and the driver's seat was damaged but not as damaged as the passenger's side. We went to the car and found that the driver was still breathing and conscious but the lady next to him had already died," the officer replied.

"You just said that the driver was conscious. Did he ask you to save the lady?" Prosecutor Lee questioned. "No sir. He didn't," the officer replied. "That's all, your honor!" he said.

"Officer Haru, when you took out the body of Miss. Sulli did you notice any scars? Or maybe blood flowing from anywhere?" Advocate Shin questioned the officer. "No, sir. There were no scars or traces of blood on the body," the officer replied.

He nodded and brought some papers. "When the body was taken for inspection of life in the hospital. The reports say that her body temperature was 35.8° and the oxygen level in her brain was 0. Could you please tell me how much time it takes for a body after death to reach such a low temperature and zero oxygen level?" Advocate Shin questioned.

Officer Haru replied, "About 2 hours, sir." Advocate Shin smirked. He looked at the judge and began, "The accident occurred at around 7:20 pm the medical team checked his body around 8:40 pm. That's not the perfect time for the body to get to such a low temperature. I assume that Miss Sulli was already dead before the accident took place. And listening to the audio clip from the black box of the car and judging the time. She said that she was feeling exhausted and went to sleep in the car at about 6:30 pm. This could be sole because of a heart attack. She might have had a cardiac arrest so my client can't be blamed for causing the death by the accident without a complete autopsy report."

The judge nodded and began, "The final verdict will be given after the break."

The three of us got up and went outside. "Something doesn't feel right," Y/n said and I went to her. "Are you on your red week? Cramps maybe? Do you have pads or want me to bring them to you? Or maybe chocolates?" I whispered to her. She shoved me away and punched my chest.

"I'm talking about the case, idiot! That WooShik guy seems suspicious. It's just my instincts but I feel weird," she commented. "Well if he wins the case then you won't get involved in it anyways. So why are you bothered?" Yoongi shrugged.

"It's just my gut feeling. I don't know what's wrong," Y/n replied. "Are you sure you don't need pads? Or do you prefer tampons?" I whispered. She sighed heavily and went away.

"What the hell you just say to her?" Yoongi sneered. "She said she was feeling something in the guts so maybe I thought that she is on her Red badge of courage week maybe. How am I supposed to know?" I protested.

He scrunched his nose and passed me an annoying look. "Everyone's so weird today," he said walking past me.


A/N: I'm not a law student or have been presented in a court ever so forgive me if the wording or something is wrong. I just tried my best to imagine this scene.

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