24: My Princess Maleficent

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Jungkook's POV

I was sitting in a cab because fortunately, note the sarcasm, my car broke down in the middle of the road. "Hurry!!!!" I yelled at the lady driver. "This is a cab. Not a rocket!" the driver yelled.

"You don't understand my love is at stake," I pleaded with her. "And if I rash drive then my life will be at stake!!" the driver replied. "I'll pay you extra! Please, drive fast!" I begged. "I'll give you a discount instead. Stop screaming while I'm driving!!" the driver yelled.

I sat back and threw my head on the seat. "If today I'm late because of you then I swear I'm finding you and marrying you!" I uttered. "Sorry sir but I'm mentally married to Kim Seokjin," the driver said.

"Kim Seokjin? I know him. He's my friend who owns an entertainment agency!" I said in disbelief. "No sir, I'm talking about Jin from BTS. I'm mentally married to him," the driver replied. "Why is everyone Jin biased? Even in my book!!! Hey! What's your name?" I spat.

"Are you Jin? Then only I'm saying you my name!" the driver replied. "No, but I need to complain about you if the love of my life leaves from the airport," I said.

"Are you giving me a five-star rating if you find her?" the driver asked me. I nodded my head. "My name is Mimi. And I'll make sure you meet her since it's in my hands anyway," she smirked.

"What?" I frowned at her. She shrugged and stopped harshly. What? How did the background suddenly change? I was in the traffic right now. How am I at the airport in a second?

"We're here. Time skip since I have the power to do that in this book. Have a happy ending, Jungkook!" she cheered. I quickly got down the car, paid her, and slammed the door.

I ran like a madman to the airport looking for Y/n. She only has one place to return. Australia. I quickly went to the counter and asked the guy, "When is the departure of the flight to Australia?"

"Sir, it flew off 5 minutes ago sir. You're late," he said and I stopped breathing.

I moved away from the counter and knelt on the tiled floor. I started blaming myself and buried my face in my hands. It's all my fault. I disappointed her as well. I am late. I lost her once again. I lost my love once again. This time I almost had her but I let her go myself! I'm a weak guy! I'm the weakest guy in this world. I can't do things right. I built up a fort but then destroyed it myself.

"Jungkook?" somebody called me. I know this voice. I shot my head up at her and there she was standing while frowning at me. I quickly got up from the ground and embraced her in my well-built arms. I spun her body and swung it from side to side in happiness.

"Y/n, I thought I lost you! Please forgive me! I won't give up on you. Please, don't leave me! I love you!" I confessed and I felt her body freeze under my grip. I placed her on the ground and cupped her cheeks. I nodded at her. "I love you, Princess! Please accept me!" I said to her.

Her eyes widen and I saw tears brimming in her eyes. "You-you love me?" her voice cracked. I nodded at her when the teardrops fell from her eyes. I rubbed it using my thumb while smiling.

I hugged her tightly. "I love you, Princess! I love you so so much. I love you more than my banana milk. More than boxing. More than myself. I love you more than you love yourself," I said to her.

She wrapped her arms around my body and snuggled into my neck. "I love you too, Googie!" she said making my heart skip a beat. I don't know what melted my existence. The fact that she loves me back or the fact that she is calling me 'Googie'.

I pulled out from the hug and lifted her body, wrapping my arms around her hips. She flinched at my action, wrapped her arms around my neck, and asked me, "What are you doing?" "My dream kiss. I wanted to do this with you, Princess," I said to her.

She smiled widely and leaned her face down. I closed my eyes and then it came. Our lips connected softly. I clasped her lips with mine while she tried to maintain the sync. Our lips seemed to be made for each other. Hers fit perfectly with mine. It was so gentle and so soft that it felt like I was on cloud nine. My entire soul melted at the touch and I could feel myself levitating at the kiss.

She pulled out first and giggled cutely. A side of hers that I've never seen. I placed her on the ground but still had my arms wrapped around her waist. Both of us chuckled together and connected our foreheads.

But I still doubted so I decided to ask her, "Why did you suddenly decide to leave Seoul?" She pulled her head back and tilted her head. "Who said that I was leaving Seoul?" she asked back.

"Jin said that you're at the airport and you're-"

"Exactly! Stop there! That's why people say to read the questions carefully before answering them! I just said she was at the airport and you ran already!!" Jin came barking at me and we turned our heads to him.

"So why were you here then?" I asked Y/n. "To pick us up!" I heard a voice and turned to see Jimin and Hobi Hyung coming to us while smirking.

"I got some quality footage to show my nephew and niece," Hobi Hyung said looking at his phone. "Did you film the whole thing?" Jimin asked. Hobi Hyung nodded.

"Y/n was here to pick up Hoseok and Jimin. Since they returned from the Paris Jazz festival," Yoongi said. "You dance, Jimin?" Taehyung asked. "Well, I had contemporary dancing in University so yeah," Jimin replied. "But you forgot to take the real Dance Monster," Namjoon said while wiggling his body.

"Enough, let me bless my babies!" Jin said shoving the others off. He came to us and patted our heads. "Spend enough time in the bed and bless me with handsome and beautiful children, okay?"

"We are not getting married, Jin!" Y/n said. "Well about that..." I started and pulled myself away from her and took something out of my pocket. I knelt on the ground and showed it in front of her. Her eyes widen and everyone gasped.

"My- my bracelet?" Y/n asked and I nodded. "The only thing I held onto ever since you left for Australia. I worshipped it ever since I met you and now finally I get the chance to return it to you. And I want to ask you something." I said and could see her eyes watering.

"Jung Y/n, I don't have a long speech to describe my love for you. Instead I'll show my love to you with my actions. So will you give me the chance to show and marry me?" She covered her face and broke down in tears.

I panicked and got up. I hugged her tightly and asked her, "Is it too early? I mean I don't want you to leave me again and once again I'll chase you to the airport and propose to you so I thought we should just skip the dating part and jump to marriage because I won't marry anyone but you," I explained myself.

She buried her face in my chest and started sobbing while mumbling, "I thought no one will ever love me. I thought I'll always be devoid of love. But I guess I was just waiting for you." She pulled out and gave me her hand.

I made her wear the bracelet on her hand before hugging her tightly. "I'll buy you a ring, soon! Till then adjust with this, my fiance," I whispered to her. She smiled and nodded.

"This is a romance movie!!!" Taehyung said crying and clinging to Namjoon. "I've never seen Y/n smile or cry. Seeing all of these at once is giving me chills," Jin commented while shivering. "All of us called her Maleficent," Hobi Hyung randomly said.

"She is," I said lovingly looking at my life. "She is my Princess Maleficent!"


A/n: This book is coming to an end. I'm crying. What the hell? Drop the last vote everyone because Epilogue is next!

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