A Beating

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Hermiones POV:

Damn, another headache. I squeeze my eyes shut as tightly as I can. The light in this room is blinding. It's not helping my head either. I try to move, but quickly realize my hands and feet are tied to the chair I'm in.

"Ah, so the mudblood is awake." I hear from in front of me. I crack my eyes open, hissing in pain as the light invades my eyes. Once I'm able to open my eyes fully, I lift my head. My gaze falls upon Lucius Malfoy. His face is sporting its regular scowl. You can tell he's been in Azkaban by the way his entire body looks. Drained and beaten. He looks nothing like the man I saw at the end of the battle.

"What? No hello?" I smirk. Despite my best option being to remain quiet, I can't help the snarky comments that are coming to my mind. I'm angry. His hooligans broke Ginnys leg, abducted us trying to get to Harry, and beat Draco's mother. Right now I don't care if I piss him off. While he stands, I take in my surroundings. I need to try and figure out where we are. I'm clearly in some sort of study or office. There's a window behind the desk I'm seated in front of. I can't see anything but the ocean. Where the hell are we?

"Do you know why you're here Miss Granger?" He sneers from behind me.

"Your tiny dick couldn't catch up with your ego?" I snap. His hand grabs a handful of my hair and yanks. My head is forced back. I do believe Draco has rubbed off on me by that comment.

"So the mudblood has teeth," Lucius says looking down at me. Suddenly I have the urge to piss him off. Maybe if I make him mad enough, they will drag me back to the room they are holding Ginny and Narcissa in. Maybe I can get a better look at where we are.

"You know, I really love it when your son does that," I smirk up at his pale face. He scoffs and let's go of my hair.

"Draco would never sully himself."

"Oh really?" I say following his every move. "That's funny, considering the fact that his face was between my thighs not even two days ago." I spit. His face contorts to one of disgust. Suddenly I feel a sharp pang on my cheek. He slapped me.

"Watch your mouth," he sneers getting into my face.

"Oh yes, he loves watching my mouth when I'm on my knees." I feel as if I'm turning into Draco with the smirk that I currently sported. He would be so proud. Lucius slaps me again. And then another. And another. By now I can taste blood in my mouth.

"You bitch," he says still in my face. I spit out the blood in my mouth, right onto his face. He backs up wiping at his face.

"What's the matter Lucius? Can't handle a little blood? Or is it the fact that you think it's riddled with mud?" He yells and advances on me. His hands are around my throat and squeezing. I cough trying to breath, but the force of his hands is too much. His force causes us to fall the the floor, the old wooden chair breaking as we fall. I take advantage of this and  start swinging any limb I can.

"My lord," I hear from behind us. They come running pulling me back and restraining my arms. By now I'm on my knees, my arms being held behind my back.

"Crucio!" The spell hits my chest and I bit my lip. I will not scream. I will not give this lunatic the satisfaction. As the spell goes on, I recite my favorite book, line for line, in my head. I need to stay focused.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of good fortune, must be in want of a wife.


However little known the feelings or views such a man may be-

"Crucio!" My body writhes. I can't. It hurts.

'Focus Hermione!'

-on his first entering a neighborhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds-

The pain is unbearable. A small squeak passes through my lips, but I clamp them back shut.

-of the surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightful property of someone or other of their daughters.

"Crucio!" This one feels worse than the last. My body is shaking and breaking.

'Keep going Hermione' the small voice inside me says.

"My dear Mr. Bennet," said his lady to to him one day, "have you heard that-

This time a cruciatus doesn't come. Instead, I'm hit with his fist. His fist collided with my cheek, my stomach, my chest. By now I'm laying on the floor, blood pooling in my mouth. He's replaced his fists with his feet. I cough as his foot hits my stomach again. The beating stops. Lucius stands, panting, rubbing his fists. He moves back to his desk chair, sitting with poise.

"Take the mudblood back to the dungeons. I'll continue this later." He snaps at the men.

I'm pulled to my feet, yanked is more the term I'm looking for. They carry me by my arms and out of the study. My eyes close at the sharp pains shooting through me. I keep the groans of pain in my throat. I open my eyes and focus as we walk. We are upstairs. I can see the railing in front of me. A balcony maybe? As they walk down the stairs, sudden realization hits me. That floor. I've been here before. But when? During the war. This place haunts my dreams. A small gasp leaves my lips as I finally recognize where we are. But that can't be possible...Draco said it was gone....

Malfoy Manor.

A/n: bonus points to those who can recognize the book!

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