7 Milan

36 4 2

I was ninety percent sure that I would be paying a speeding ticket in the short coming future with the way My foot had been glued to the gas pedal. But I couldn't bring Myself to care.

Nervous didn't even begin to describe what I felt watching the medical staff take Elle from my side and guide her into the chair the second we stepped into the hospital. It happened almost the instant they saw me holding her against my side. Someone saw us and asked if we were alright.

I was just so stunned at how fast things escalated. One minute we were talking the next she was leaking all over the place.

A part of me wants to sit and register what's happening right now, I never experienced this before, but there's also a spike of adrenaline in me that I know would make it difficult for me to settle down. Either way actually I didn't even have time to even ask it sit. Because a nurse suddenly grabbed my elbow and began pulling me in another direction away from where They have Brielle facing.

The uncertainty must have been written all over my face, well that, and the fact that I barely budged from the area she was trying to pull me from.

"We'll need to get your ready for the room. She'll be fine I promise. We just need to give you scrubs for the birth. Unless you want a smock?" The nurse gently explains.

I feel myself relax slightly hearing her words, only to tense all over again when they finally digest. "Wait what?"

I turn toward the sound of sharp bellow suddenly cutting me off.


By now she's in the chair, they're beginning to push her forward, down the hall. But she winces and groans in what looks like pain.

"Are you sure she's goanna be fine?" there was something about seeing her like this that was triggering something in me. I was tempted to go to her to figure out how to make the sound stop. But my feet felt rooted to the floor.

The nurse flashes me a reassuring and warm smile. "I'm positive, honey. But we need to get you ready. I understand you're worried about her and scared, but she needs you now. They both do."
My stomach flutters with what something I can only identify as anxiety.

They need me...?

Not going to lie. Hearing that kind of tickled my flight reflexes. I never was fond of the commitment of being needed. Even my Aunt knew this. She never put too much on me to make me run off. Not all the time at least.

Ultimately, I end up following when the woman pulls me a second time.

Before I know it, the woman is lending me a spare set of green scrubs and telling me to get changed. Just as I tie the dark string on the waist of the relaxed Jogger fitting pants, There's knock at the door.

"Come in." I say loudly enough to be heard through the door.

Shortly, the nurse who guided me before pops in with someone in her hands

It's only because I realize it matches my scrubs that it's a cap for my hair. Which is probably a good idea. Between the intense driving, and running in here, my hair was a beyond its usual frizzy mess.

"Ready?" asks the nurse, handing the cap to me. "Shas already in her room."

I take it from her and take a quick moment to tie the strings behind my head. "How is she though?"

"She'll be fine," the lady gave a kind smile that didn't quite match the sad look in her eyes. "Although when I asked if she had a request for anyone or anything she just asked for something to ease her pain."

What we yearn for  (unedited)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora