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Jisung had thirteen parquet panels in his room. There was a big spider web in the left corner next to his bed. 

He, over the three weeks prior to this terrible terrible day, watched the fat spider build it. Spiders kill their food by wrapping it up in the shit they shoot out of their rear end. Jisung hated spiders over everything. 

But just like he wasn't doing anything about the elephant in the room, he wasn't going to kill the spider. Jisung spent the last three weeks suffering in silence. Of course, people offered him help. And he knew that he should've taken it. 

Now he was standing in front of their school at 6 am, in his oversized baseball-themed jacket, freezing his ass off. That wasn't the problem. Neither was the heavy sports bag that he was trying to carry over his shoulder for the aesthetic. 

It was the "blond asshole" standing opposite to him, with his stupidly big and heavy luggage and his stupid puffy eyes and his stupid-

 "Jisung." Changbin tapped his shoulder. "Hm?" Jisung let his headphones dangling around his neck. "Minho is getting coffee on the way here; do you want anything?" 

Right... Minho. "Ask him for an iced americano."

 The boy nodded and turned to type away on his phone. Jisung breathed in. A load of fresh, cold air entered his nose, that was just a little too good. You know the feeling when your nose is just so free from any whatever's in there so the air actually ends up where it's supposed to be?

 Jisung shook his head. The little amount of sleep sat deep in his bones. And the fact that they will be sleeping in tents for the next two weeks made the burden heavier. A car door fell shut loudly. Afterward, the wheels of a suitcase sounded. 

"Hey guys!!" It was Chan and Jeongin. Jeongin went to hug his group, standing at the side of the emo-boy. Later as the two gym bros finished their greeting ritual, Chan went to talk to "the blond bastard". 

Oh, awkward wouldn't be enough to describe this whole scene. It got worse and worse as Jisung just couldn't stop to overhear their conversation as the rest of the seniors arrived and huddled around them like a group of kindergarteners. 

"How have you been?" A sarcastic laugh followed afterward. "Who cares Chan?" The blond bastard's voice was scratchy. He was faking it for sure. 

Jeongin and he exchanged a glance. Then Jeongin stilled and his eyes turned to Jisung in a glare. To be honest, Jisung kinda fucked up. Just a tiny little bit. Like ignoring Jeongins calls or not talking to anyone for three days straight. 

"What's wrong with you?" 

Jisung didn't know how to answer. There was nothing wrong with him. He had been overthinking for the past weeks. No solution. Nothing. Not a single thought would even hint at what he would consider an answer. 

"Dunno," Jisung said and shrugged his shoulders. The other boy rolled his eyes in return. 

None of them were morning people. Especially not when the volume around them raised to the point Jisung couldn't stand it anymore. Girls fell into each other's arms as if they haven't seen or heard their voices in ages. A group of boys hyping each other up for no apparent reason. 

And there was no teacher in sight. The only ones who were supposed to be able to get this mess of students under control. Everyone knew that they couldn't. It's nice to pretend sometimes.

 Minho arrived last. "What's up y'all?" He pretended to be a redneck, pulling Changbin in the weirdest side hug to ever been witnessed to human eyes.

 Two seconds after that his face dropped. "As you can see..." he began and turned to his bag. "No... Have coffee first." 

Each of the groups got a grand plastic cup shoved into their hands. "I hope you're too occupied to talk back now." 

Minho cleared his throat. I might have to add that he still had his cat ears sleeping mask on his forehead. 

"I don't want to spent my precious and so amazing and exciting camp by delivering messages between two groups who act like two year Olds." 

Jisung bit down on his green straw. He knew the eyes of his "ex-crush" (still crush? Friend? Enemy? Acquaintance?) on him. Just keep drinking, keep drinking Jisung.

 "In other words Hyunjin, Jisung," he said his name with much more force aka passive aggressiveness than the blond motherfuckers one. "I don't want you to be best friends or whatever. Just pretend like you never met or whatever. Don't make this hard for everybody else. That's egoistic." 

Chan spoke up, way softer than his friend. "That sounds a bit harsh I know... but Minho's right. Just... try please. For your friends?" 

Jisung had wanted to look up to look and mouth an apology to Changbin and Jeongin. 

He didn't know how he ended up hypnotized by wet brown eyes. It felt like that one snake in the bible trying to tell Adam and Eve to sin. Hyunjins eyebrows jumped slightly like he was trying his hardest not to let them rest on the crybaby's face he pulled so often. 

It didn't hurt Jisung to see him like that. Nooooo. Neverrr everrr.

Another deep sight later Jisung decided to follow whatever Minho said. Mainly because the boy was staring at him over the edge of his iced tea like his math teacher picking her next prey.

 Jisung showed the tiniest, thin-lipped smile he could muster. It was enough to make Hyunjin smile too. 

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