Chapter Eight: A Name

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*Chaos Realm*

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*Chaos Realm*

     Lady Chaos showed Matthias to his chambers, and left him unattended to get his affairs in order, but she stationed one of her creatures outside the door. Just in case he tries to make an escape. His room was fit for a prince, it was big, spacious, everything was cleaned to perfection. However, there were no windows, there were curtains but they opened just to the wall. It was strange to say the least.

Hours passed, and Lady Chaos just paced up and down in front of her throne, as she was itching for answers. Answers she will soon get. The door to the throne room sung open, and in entered the creature, and Matthias behind him. She came to the top of the staircase, and looked down at the man who was breath-taking in the throne room.

"Leave us," she instructed, and the creature bowed its head to her presence. Before it was wrapped up in red mist, becoming the mist itself and floated out of the throne room and the doors slamming shut behind it. Matthias moved his eyes up to meet the Queen, who held a smile on her face. She beckons him with her hand, gesturing to come up the stairs as she vanishes from his view.

Matthias didn't waste any time and shot up the stone stairs, and once he got to the top he could see Lady Chaos sat on her throne, one leg over the other.

"I hope your time here has made you reconsider?" Lady Chaos announces, though his time here was brief at the moment, the things he's already seen. Surely he would want to leave.

"It is a nice palace, your Majesty," he uses the proper decorum in front of her. "But I cannot tell you," this surprised her, he was loyal for sure but it only made her angry.

"You do know I could just extract the information right out of your skull," her voice lowered, holding a dark tone that suggested she was threatening him. "Leaving you a hollow shell of a man you were," her eyes narrowed into a slit, meaning she meant business.

"I do not think you will," he replies back in a calm manner, coming to the foot of the set of steps that went up to her throne. "Because you liked what you saw in my cell," he went on, smug as it were. But it made the Queen like him even more.

"Let me tell you this," she raised from her throne with grace, and began to descend down the steps. "Time works differently here. A day here, a year in the mortal realm. So the longer you are here, the longer away you are from the ones you love," a wicked smile came to her lips as his expression dropped in worry. She was inches away from Matthias, and their eyes never left one another. "Maybe take a few days to think about it!" She threw her hand up as she exclaimed the words. He was shrouded in red smoke, and was sent back to his chambers.

Of course she lied, time didn't run differently in her realm. But she loved to see that look on his face, maybe it would give some motivation to tell her what she needs to know.


Days after day, she would ask him how he came here, but each answer he gave was the same. Or a different variation of the same answer. The Queen couldn't help but admire his loyalty, but then again not getting the answer she wanted didn't sit well with her.

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