Chapter Thirteen: Rachel

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     Constantine guided us from her apartment, towards the location of this woman who was in the pictures with her

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Constantine guided us from her apartment, towards the location of this woman who was in the pictures with her. The night air clung to us, but our coats kept us protected, but the cold never bothered me anyway. We passed through an archway that led into a square type area, and there were rows of houses on either side.

"Who is she? The woman in the picture," Dream spoke up from the right of Constantine, as I was on her left - meaning she was in between two powerful beings in the mortal world at this moment.

"Her name's Rachel, Rachel Moodie,"

"Does she deal in magic as well?" Dream jumped straight onto the back end of Constantine's sentence. But she scoffs at him, finding the notion silly.

"God, no," she states, twisting her head to the right to meet his head, but it was brief, and she turned back to look in front of her. "No, she's actually a decent person. Proper job, nice family. Fuckin' hated all the magic stuff," she went on, as Rachel didn't like when magic was involved. She was simply closed minded, magic was wonderful. Any mortal would love to have powers beyond their comprehension.

"Magic is wonderful," I countered, twisting my head to look at Constantine. "It is beautiful, but it is also dangerous. But the most beautiful things are," my eyes focused on Dream for a moment, and if he could tell he was being stared at he began to twist his head. I quickly twisted my head back in front. "Then again, I don't need sand to help me," I remarked, rolling my eyes at the stupid thought of needing sand to control an aspect of your power.

"And yet she left the sand with her," Dream went back to the topic of Rachel.

"No, I did not leave it with her," Constantine came to her own defence. "Sort of leaving it... And her," those words piqued my interest, making me twist my head to the right, and I see Dream also cock his head on over to stare at Constantine. She notices us both staring, and cocked her head between the both of us, as if she needed to explain more. "I was staying at her place for a few months. She interpreted that as us living together, which we weren't, so... One night, I just went on a job and... never went back," she explained the situation with Rachel.

"Why?" Dream jumped once again on the end of her comment.

"Because it never ends well, does it?" Constantine replies with the question, as she was about a typical type of feeling that all mortals go through once or twice in their lives.

"What?" Dream began, turning his head to the left, to lock eyes with Constantine. "Love?" I couldn't help but bring my gaze around to meet his eyes. "No. I suppose it doesn't," he went on, as I felt like he had fallen in love once or twice in his long life.

"Sometimes it's worth the trouble," I announced out of the blue, my voice genuine and soft. But it gained the attention of them both. I dismissed their gazes, and turned my head forward, focusing on the upcoming row of houses.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but people around me tend to get ripped in half or cast down to Hell," Constantine became slower in her walking, meaning we had arrived at the place. "Safer for her if I left,"

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