Chapter Twenty-Six: Sweet Death

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     The three of us walked down a street filled with market stalls

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     The three of us walked down a street filled with market stalls. Selling fruits, fish, among other human things. The sun was shining on my exposed arms, this shirt did very little for my arms. It was more like a vest.

"Look!" Death exclaimed, stopping in front of a fruit stand, seeing all the different things available to her. "Yum!" She was staring at the rosy red apples in front of her. "Ok, three, please," she instructed the vendor to get three apples. One for each of us.

"None for me, thank you," Dream announces, alerting the man to hold his action, and making Death turn her head over her shoulder to stare at Dream.

"They're good for you," she admitted.

"I'm not hungry," he responded.

"When are you," a snide comment escaped my lips, as I could not resist. We are beings who need no sleep, or substance to keep us alive.

"You can just have it later," Death insisted, but from here Dream gave a scowl that would put fear into anyone. Death took the hint, and turned her head back to the vendor. "Just two. Thanks," the vendor grabs two apples together, places them in each hand and rubs them both onto his shirt. I took a step forward, coming next to Death as the vendor handed out the apples to both of us. I thanked him as I grabbed the rosy red apple from his right hand. I turned on the spot and smiled widely at Dream, bringing the apple to my mouth and took a bite out of it. The juices flowed, and sprouted every so slightly, and the crunch of the apple was divine.

"That is delicious!" I exclaimed, taking my gaze to the vendor for a moment, offering a wide smile.

"Truly is," Death went on agreeing with my statement as she had taken a bite out of her own apple. I walked from the stall, and came to Dream's left, as we walked down the street.

"You are good with them," he directed that to his sister.

"Apples?" She teased him, knowing full well that he meant the mortals.

"Humans," Dream clarified for her, as she let out a 'Mm' sound, agreeing with him. I brought the apple to my mouth once again, and took another large bite out of it. As I chewed on the sweet taste of apple, I longed for something a tad-bit colder, and more appealing.

"You wouldn't mind if I change this?" I voiced my question to Death, but I didn't give her room to reply. Suddenly, the apple was wrapped up in red energy, and changed its form to that of an ice cream cone. With a large scoop, and a flake sticking out of the scoop. With strawberry syrup drizzled over the whole thing. A classic here in the United Kingdom. My eyes beamed with the sweet treat I am about to consume. I began to lick the ice cream, getting all the flavours from it.

"Bite?" Death asked Dream, holding up the apple to his face.

"No, thank you," he responded in his deep set voice, but it made Death bring back the apple to her own mouth.

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