Chapter Twenty-One: Aurelia

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     Aurelia saw a Palace within the Split inside of her dream

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     Aurelia saw a Palace within the Split inside of her dream. A portal, almost. She was still inside of her memory-dream. More rapid fire came towards her. Aurelia sprinted inside the portal, jumping inside as the portal closed behind her. She grunts, having to land harshly on the pavement. Blood on her hands and where she was shot before spread slowly below her.

Her body suddenly froze on its own. Aurelia grunts, struggling to move. Looking at her hands, she noticed that they shook while she fought to move them. What was causing this?

She then screeched when she was lifted up into the air so suddenly, being pulled rapidly towards a throne she had never seen before. Her eyes met another's. A woman with a hollow crown. A shade of red around her figured face. The woman was beautiful, but at this moment, Aurelia did not think about beauty. Aurelia was only human. Of course she was afraid.

Two Queens of two different dimensions looking at one another.

The Queen of Chaos, of the Chaos Realm.

Aurelia, The Queen of The Dreaming. A princess in the human world.

What these two figures did not know was that they met by accident. The Lady of Chaos, was studying her new magic spell and failed, causing her to open up a Ripple in Time between the Multiverse. Aurelia was just a human. The Lady of Chaos did not see a human, but a being of no gender. A figure with a galaxy's body.

As the Queen's eyes adjusted to the being in front of her, it was becoming clear that this being was forming into a person. It was like a haze for a few seconds, but became more clear that the form it was taking was a woman's. In seconds, the Queen's sight laid on a exquisit female, though her hair was buzzed it suited her well.

"Who are you?" An angelic voice pierced the air, and the ears of Aurelia, making her eyes connect with the beautiful woman she saw in the portal.

"Who are you?!" Aurelia shot back, noticing the bewilderment in her expression, like she should not be talking to her like that.

"You stumble into my Kingdom, and dare to question a Queen?" The Queen of the realm spoke, before raising her hand up once again. A ball of red energy conjured in her palm, and suddenly, Aurelia was screeching in pain. It felt like white-hot poker sticks were being dragged across her body. A fire under her skin that she could not itch one bit. She could also not move, the red wisps of energy that was produced by the Queen held her firmly in their grasp.

The Queen slowly lowered her hand slightly, and the pain Aurelia felt dimmed, but she could still feel it inside of her veins.

"Now," the Queen spoke with such a soft tone, that you would not think she was a killer. "Where are you from? Because by the looks of you, you just came from the front lines," the Queen noticed her outfit. Aurelia wore a World War 2 mens uniform. The Helmet was gone when she had landed into the water, dropping her bags, leaving them behind. The only pieces that stayed on were her boots, bagged pants, long sleeve coat with a vest over it. She had bonded her chest so that she was made to look female. Her hair was buzzed as well, fitting in with the male group.

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