Chapter Sixteen: Crown

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     Arriving in Hell was a done deal, but even forming into the wasteland gave me chills

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     Arriving in Hell was a done deal, but even forming into the wasteland gave me chills. The sand that surrounded us dropped to the ground, fading. We stood upon a hill in an isolated part of Hell. My eyes still focused on the Lord of Dreams.

"So, Hell does exist," Matthew states, as I pointed my head down to see him next to Dream.

"It does. For some," Dream cocked his head down to stare at Matthew for a moment, before staring back up. A gust of wind travelled the air, bringing sand with it. I turned around, and stepped closer to the edge of the hill we were on.

"Does that mean it doesn't exist if you don't believe in it?" Matthew asked another important question.

"Did you believe in it? When you were a man?" Dream retorted with a question of his own.

"Yeah. I just didn't expect Hell to be cold,"

"Don't worry. Hellfire should warm you right up," I joked, cracking a laugh as I cocked my head over my shoulder to stare at Matthew.

"So, which way do we go?" Matthew dismissed my comment, not wanting to think about Hellfire right now.

"I suggest we follow the damned," Dream announces, making me turn my head back out to the trail below. Seeing loads of souls carrying fire on their backs, heading towards the gates of Hell. So, many layers, one thing Dante's Inferno got right.

"They make you bring your own fire to Hell?" This raven wasn't going to be a quiet one, and it was kind of nice to have someone to talk to. Even if it is a bird.

Dream steps forward, alerting me to him heading down the slope of the hill. I guess we were going to be walking straight to the gates. Stuipd rules, even here I have to follow them. In Hell of all places. I followed down the slope, and caught up to Dream in seconds, finding that his walk was brisk.

We walked alongside the damned, following them and the path that was laid out for them to walk. It didn't take us long to reach the gates of Hell, but we hung back allowing the damned souls to enter alone. I noticed the grand wall that surrounded inner Hell. The wall was literally made from souls, and they grew to be a part of the structure. There was also a tunnel, which led to the gate.

"We're not sneaking in with them?" Matthew asks, wondering why we aren't walking in with them.

"A King may not enter another monarch's realm uninvited. There are rules, protocols which must be followed," Dream explained the situation to his Raven.

"Stupid rules, even I have to obey them," I wasn't a rule follower, but even I am bound to these rules, and those rules in my realm. Dream passes me, and heads towards the two massive pits of flames, and notices a gong hanging from the wall.

"Oh look, the doorbell," I remarked, stepping closer to the entrance of the tunnel, noticing the slight movement in the walls, the bodies twisting and turning. Why did Lucifer have to be so extra? I watch Dream tilt his head down to look at the body in the wall. It detracted itself, holding a rounded mallet in his grasp. But then offered it out to Dream, which he took it in his grip. The body went back into the wall, becoming part of the stone once again.

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