Chapter Twenty-Five: Vengeance

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     Months passed since my last interaction with Dream, or any of the Endless in fact

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     Months passed since my last interaction with Dream, or any of the Endless in fact. I would hop between my realm and that of the mortal world, just enjoying my time there. The freedom to travel between my realm and that of the mortal one was exhilarating. Not having the Lords of Chaos breathing down my neck was also a relief.

I built my realm from the ground up, only currently having my creations, the beasts I created to serve me, and be my guards in a sort of way. Now-a-day, I couldn't sntach up mortals from the streets, technology and the law has come a long way. So, for now it was left baron from mortal life at least.

I roamed the corridors of the castle, finding my way round with ease, as if I had never left in the first place. But a slight shiver ran down my spine, as if someone had stepped over my grave. In all fairness it was an alert to someone coming into my realm without permission. Then again, not a lot of people can just enter my realm. I found my way to the throne room, as the double wooden doors creaked open in my arrival. At the centre of the room were two of my guards, surrounding the intruder. Through the cracks of the creatures I made, I saw a familiar face, and the feeling you get when you stare her in the face.

"Death?" I sounded surprised, as the creatures moved to the side, but remained nearby if need be. "What are you doing here?" I questioned, walking through the throne room, and coming to stand in front of here. When I saw her last she was wearing Greek style clothing, but now she was wearing all black. Shirt, jeans, boots, and even had the silver ankh which she always wears. Her sigil.

"I wanted to come and thank you," Death announces, which shocked me to my core. Death was not like the others of the Endless, she was caring, laid-back. "For helping Dream," she clarified further.

"All I did was tag along," I rolled my eyes, as I didn't even do much, he did most of the work himself. I was just a side character in his adventure.

"Maybe so, but you were there when I could not be," she states, offering a small smile of appreciation. "To guide him. In your own way," she knew what I was like.

"You know I was there when he got captured. I watched as Roderic Burgess performed that spell," I explained, seeing that her expression did not change, but she just listened. "It was the first time I ever saw Dream. I was - am, still filled with anger and rage, that will never change. It's who I am. But I took it out on him, allowing him to be kept imprisoned, and knowing what his absence brought," I crossed my arms over my chest, shifting my eyes around as I spoke, but always brought them back to stare Death in the face.

"It's not who you are now," she pointed out, giving me a knowing look. "I'm sorry about Matthias," she changed the subject, and spoke my lover's name, but I remained strong, and tried not to tear up. "I should have consorted with you first before unblocking his memories, and bringing him here. But he pleaded to come here, to see you one last time... And I see you still care," Death's eyes wandered to my neck to see the golden chain holding the letter 'C', dangling freely in the open.

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