Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Unknown

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*1939, September 14th - London, England*

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*1939, September 14th - London, England*

     Calliope and Casey were now sitting in a booth within the pub. It had been hours since he came to her rescue, and within that short time. She had gotten to know him, on a basic level, nothing too deep. Keeping the conversation on him, and only gave small details about herself.

"Why join the army?" Calliope treaded to that conversation that might be a sore subject with certain people.

"To serve my country," he was quick in his reply, lowering the tall glass of beer from his lips and back onto the table. "To fight for what I believe in," he went on.

"But surely you will die out there," Calliope was blunt in her statement, making Casey raise his eyebrows at her. "It is a fact, war never ends well," just for a split second Casey could see a smile tug at her lips as if she enjoyed the war. But it was gone before it even twisted into a full smile.

"At least I die a hero," he was so naive at the fact that he was giving up his life just to be remembered as a soldier nothing more. "Protecting Queen and country," he smiled at the thought of protecting innocent people and the people he loved.

"How noble," she mocks, rolling her eyes at him. "You could perfectly die here in this pub. Death is always round the corner for us all," Calliope was implying that one day Death will come for her.

"You're such a delight," he remarks with a sarcastic tone. Bringing his glass of beer back to his lips, taking a gulp of the liquid.

"Thank you," she said in her own sarcastic tone, cocking one leg over the other as she straightened her dress down. "But this war is going to be bloody, and long, and bring so much chaos. Are you prepared to face the horrors?" Calliope's tone turned serious, as it was a serious matter. Calliope could not foresee what the war will bring, but she knows every war has blood, carnage, and death.

"Already worried for me?" He offered a boyish smirk with his question, but it made Calliope scoff at him.

"No, just interested that is all," she remarked, but an idea struck her mind, a little game so to speak. "How about a bet?" She arched her perfectly shaped eyebrow to him, which piqued his own interest in the matter.

"What type of bet?" He asked, but it just brought a wide smile to Calliope's face.

"If you can survive the war, I will grant you immortality," Calliope spoke without missing a beat, but it made Casey laugh a deep one. Finding that she was mad, and not having the power to grant it. Due to the fact it wasn't real.

"You're joking right?" His laughter died down but still held it in his tone as he asked the question. Calliope did not twist her lips into a smile to indicate that she was joking.

"Do I sound like I'm joking?" She replied, keeping the seriousness in her tone. Casey could sense that she wasn't, but who would say such a thing that isn't possible.

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