Chapter Two

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"Hello?" Suho asked, sadness filling his voice.

You stood there in the middle of the sidewalk, frozen as the people passed you by, stealing some weird glances as you forgot how to breath.

"Hyunji-yah." Suho said softly, getting you out of your trance as your lungs started to work again.

"S-Suho, please." you said stuttering, failing at composing yourself as you hear the end of the line scoff at your remark.

There seemed to be a pause as you heard some of the guys in the background, talking amongst themselves.

"Please what? Are you going to tell me not to see my daughter that I didn't even know existed? Do you you want me to keep missing every single day of her life not even being able to be there and take care of her?" Suho yelled, his voice getting louder at each question that he asked.

The small hospital room went silent, the boys pausing with their previous conversations as they watched Suho leave the room and into the white, long hallways away with Kyungsoo's phone.

"I'm sorry." was all you could mutter, knowing you were already defeated at your wrongdoing.

Suho was always a nice guy and seeing he was this mad, you knew you weren't the only one suffering from this.

You knew you had been selfish for keeping such a think to him, but you thought you didn't have a choice. You thought it was the best for him to reach his dream and not worry about you or a baby.

Tears were now streaming out of your eyes as you whispered how sorry you were to the man you still loved.

"Suho, I'm sorry.. Please forgive me." you said in a strained voice,hanging up the phone afterwards before you broke out into full sobs. You then fell into Minah's arms, where she rubbed your back soothingly, hushing you to calm down.

Joohyun then hugged your leg with tears in her eyes, still not fully understanding the situation, but she didn't like it when you cried. "Mommy, don't cry." she sniffled as you bent down to wipe her tears with your thumb before pulling her into an embrace.


Suho stood there speechless, knowing that it was too much for you to take for the day, but he couldn't give up. He had to see you and his daughter.

Kyungsoo's phone lit up from Suho's hands, a message displaying in the small screen.

Hi, this is Minah. If this is still Suho, please, Hyunji needs you. She doesn't know I sent this, but you guys need to work this out once and for all. For Joohyun.

Suho read the message over and over, memorizing the address below it before returning to the small room, where five guys looked at him with worry.

Kyungsoo was the first to step up, walking towards the leader with his head down, followed by Jongin who knew about everything this whole time too.

"Hyung.." D.O. muttered.

"We're really sorry. Hyunji-noona made us promise.. and we were selfish for thinking it was the right thing to debut--" Kai started, only to be interrupted by their leader."

"I'm going to go see her." he smiled at the two of them, letting go of the subject, knowing it had been hard to keep such a big secret from him. "You guys can tell me everything later." he finished, handing back Kyungsoo's phone before he exited the white room towards the elevators.


"Yah! Just go call him." Minah urged as she paced back and forth in your apartment's living room.

"The worst thing that could happen is him not--" she was saying before the doorbell rang.

You stood up from the couch alarmed as Joohyun got off the seat next to you to follow her aunt to the doors.

Minah, knowing who this guest was, happily opened the door, revealing Suho with flowers and a big teddy bear in his hands.

"Umma! That handsome man from earlier is here." Joohyun quickly ran towards her mother, causing Suho's lips to tug upwards.

"I'm glad you could make it." Minah smiled, before putting on her shoes. "I trust that everything tonight will go well?" she asked, raising her eyebrow.

"I'll see to it." Suho replied as you showed up, with Joohyun in your arms, surprised that Suho was standing in your doorstep.

"Bye kids~ Don't cause any trouble." Minah smiled, blowing a kiss towards Joohyun before disappearing into the dim-lighted hallways, leaving you alone with Suho.

"Umma, is he going to go in?" Joohyun whispered a little too loud into your ears, making you sigh as you put her down and nod.

"Come in, come in." you said sarcastically, knowing Suho had heard it from the smile that was shown on his face.

"Oh!" he exclaimed, forgetting about the gifts he had brought. "This is for you." he said, handing Joohyun the stuffed animal that was bigger and taller than her. "And these are for you." he smiled weakly, as you took the bouquet of pink tulips, your favorite flowers.

'He still remembered. After all these years..' You wondered, while staring at the beautiful flowers in your hands.

You lead Suho into your apartment, the cozy living room getting in his view as he studied the place.

"Do you want anything to drink?" you muttered lowly, already feeling the awkwardness.

"Ani, I'm fine." he answered calmly, the smile never leaving his face.

"Ah, then sit, don't be shy. It's just me and Joohyun here." you informed, your daughter still trying to figure out who the man was in their home, dragging the huge bear to her room, happy that she had a new play mate.

You on the other hand, watched bemused at how such thing could make her happy as you took a seat on the couch, setting the flowers on the table.

Suho nodded, following your orders as he sat a safe distance beside you, not sure how to start things off.

"Suho." you started, knowing where the conversation was going to lead to anyway. It was best for you to just get it over with and think what's best for your dear daughter.

"I know lying to you was bad, but-"

"Then why did you do it?" he cut you off, his words as sharp as a knife.

You could feel the hurt in his words, the anger in his eyes, much of a big contrast from the angelic demeanor he had on earlier.

"If you knew it was bad, why Hyunji, why?" he asked again, this time his words filled with sorrow. "I had the right to know."

"It was for the best."

"Bullshit! The best? How can those words leave your mouth? Did you even think of Joohyun? Did you even think of me?" he yelled, calming himself down as he turned his head the other way to breathe and not scare Joohyun away.

"What was I supposed to do?" you snapped back, getting all your hidden emotions over the years out, finally unleashing them. "Was I supposed to say, 'Oh Joonmyun, I'm pregnant. If you want to support me and this baby, you'd have to quit your dream and take responsibility.' Is that what you wanted?" you huffed, already feeling the tears stream down your cheeks.

Suho sat there quietly, trying to think of what to say to you, also considering how you have been hurting more than anyone else over these years.

"You were my dream." he simply said, looking at you straight in the eye. "I got into singing because of you, did you forget? You were the only one who believed in me and urged me to go to that path. Without you I wouldn't even be where I am now. We promised each other not to hide anything, no matter what. Did those mean nothing to you?" he finished, letting a tear fall down as he turned his head so you wouldn't witness.

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