Chapter Sixteen

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P.S. I’m thinking of changing the POV to third instead, because it gets way too confusing constantly writing “you.” I hope everyone can still catch up. If it is an issue though, just tell me and I’ll get right back to writing it in you’s. (:

A knock interrupted everyone in a serious discussion, followed by an opening of the door. All eyes were set on Jae-In as she walked in, her eyes set on the floor as Chanyeol stalked behind, his hand settled at her back, leading her in.

“I think we can help get Joohyun back.” Chanyeol spoke, his gaze searching for Hyunji, ready to plead and apologize for anything like this to ever happen.

Jae-In’s head lifted, her swollen red eyes finally able to be seen. “Hyunji…” she said, in an almost whisper.

Hyunji tensed, not sure what to make up of their sudden appearance. If it wasn’t for the fact that she knew there was a sweet misguided girl inside, she would’ve already taken her momma claws out and not given mercy. But this was Jae-In. They had been best friends and now she can lead Hyunji back to her daughter.

“I don’t want to hear this now.” Hyunji said with a defeated look. The faster they got this over with, the faster she could get her baby back. “Please, just tell me where Joohyun is.”

“I.. I don’t know where she is.” Jae-In muttered, looking at the ground once again.

Minah got up from her seat. “Then why the hell are you here?” She looked at Jae-In in disbelief. “You have no right being here after everything you’ve caused.”

Chen followed her lead, but just shook his head, bringing Minah into his arms as he lead the heated aunt out, whispering that everything will be alright. He gave Chanyeol a knowing look, before heading out to the balcony with Minah.

Hyunji got up from her seat, walking towards Jae-In, taking Jae-In’s shaking hands into her own, making her look into her eyes. “Please help us.”

Jae-In looked into Hyunji’s tired eyes before nodding. “Anything.” she replied in a whisper. “I want to make this right.” she said with determination.

The next hour was spent with Jae-In explaining everything that had happened. From the beginning. She had first gotten a call from her father about finding out everyone’s relationships within Exo, and he was not happy that his daughter was involved. She had begged and pleaded to not cause any harm towards the boys. At first her dad had complied, but one afternoon on her way to her dad’s office, she had found Mr. Yoo in a heated argument with her father. Only after hearing the boys’ future was at stake did she come to barge in. She could not forget the amused look on Mr. Yoo’s face as she tried protecting those precious dreams. She and her dad agreed to breaking things off with Joonmyun and Hyunji, not knowing she was pregnant. Then, Chanyeol and Minah met up and it wasn’t even Jae-In who put the two together. That was all Mr. Yoo.  After finding out she was pregnant, it wasn’t that hard for Mr. Yoo to know, too. He paid good money to have Hyunji followed, even to the pharmacy to get her pregnancy test. She was back in the lying game again. She had to do finish off Hyunji’s last resort of going back to Suho, even using her own boyfriend, knowing full well that he was not the father. Just recently had she been contacted again, but she didn’t want to be a part of it. But she was blackmailed by Yoo that he would reveal just how vile and evil she was. “After all, I was just like him.” she ended her story with a shaky laugh, the sarcasm pointed towards her own self.

Chanyeol’s hold onto Jae-In became even tighter, rubbing small circles at her back, whispering into her ears. “You’re nothing like him.” he reassured her. “I love you so much.”

Everyone was at a loss of words. Really. There were just too many things happening. First it was Hyunji’s story. Now, even Jae-In was a victim.

Suho’s blood was slowly starting to boil by just the mention of this Mr. Yoo. He was going to get his daughter back. No matter what. He had just started to finally meet her after so long. He was never going to let go.

“What else are we waiting for?” Baekhyun asked with an angry tone. No one would treat his best friends like that. “Let’s go get that bastard.”

After a few shouts of approval, Hyunji got up with a weak smile on her face, all the attention turning towards her. She knew what she had to do. “Guys.. Thank you so much for all your support. But this is my battle. I can-”

“The minute he took Joohyun away made it my business!” Joonmyun interrupted. “My business are my brothers’ business, so don’t go saying this is just your battle, Hyunji.” he softened, getting near her within just two steps. “You will never have to go through anything alone. I promise you I will make this right.

Everyone was more serious than ever trying to find a way to get Joohyun back.

“Let’s just go in there and bring Tao.” Sehun suggested, earning him a smack behind the head from Chen.

“Hyunji.. Let’s just tell the whole world that she’s my daughter.” Suho butted in, everyone’s attention turning towards him. The other members didn’t know about this, but not they did.

“Hyung if you do, then that’s the end for you.” Kai said with much worry.

Joonmyun just shook his head with a smile. “I’ll have my daughter back at least. She always comes first. And so does Hyunji.”

Hyunji stared at him awestruck by his words. “Joonmyun.”

“Please just let me do this. We have until tomorrow before whatever that bastard is thinking of doing to our daughter.”

“As much as I would love to get Joohyun back, I can’t let you throw away your dream. I know Mr. Yoo and he would never hurt Joohyun.” she said, knowing the man before he was driven by money and success.

As for interruptions, today had just got to be a record, as the room fell silent when Hyunji’s phone had started to ring.


I know this super short and there are many more questions that needs to be answered, but after getting a comment from one of my lovely readers, I just couldn't stop writing this small part. I hope this is enough to get you guys by. And once again, I apologize for my lack of writing. It has been months since I last updated and I feel horrible, so thank you to the darling who reminded me that someone was waiting for my story. It makes everything worth it.

P.P.S. Sorry it's not edited.

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