Chapter Six

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“Andwae.” Joohyun gasped softly, clutching onto her small favorite bear, she brought everywhere. She had watched the scene a hundred times, but she still got shocked each time she watched it.

Everyone in the dorm was now watching Tangled, Joohyun’s favorite movie, and even the rest of the guys were pretty interested with the princess film. Since the little girl was there only for the weekend, they had to make the best of it, making special memories to begin their journey.

Sehun, being the nearest to the six year old, rubbed her arm gently, reassuring her that the good guys always win, as he was also drawn into the movie, having never seen it before. “They’re gonna get away from the evil mom, don’t worry.” he said, watching as the evil mother became older by the second, desperate to have Rapunzel’s magic on her to make her younger again.

“Who wants snacks?” shouted Kyungsoo as the movie rolled its credits.

Chanyeol shot up from his seat and raised his hand like a little school boy, grinning like an idiot. “Me!”

Seeing this, Joohyun couldn’t help but laugh to herself, seeing her uncles act silly. At home with just her and her mom were very different than this lively setting. Of course she loved being with you, but this wasn’t all bad either.

“Hey what are you thinking deeply about?” asked Suho, hugging his daughter from behind with the couch in between them.

Joohyun turned her head, her smile becoming even brighter as she stood up, Joonmyun taking her into her arms. “Everything here is so happy.” she finally said, getting her dad’s attention as he looked at her intently. “Like uncle Chanyeol always being hyper, uncle Kyungsoo always making food-“

“Hey I heard that!” Kyungsoo shot from the kitchen, chuckling as he set the snacks on the table for everyone.

“I did too!” whine Chanyeol, picking up one of the kimbap only to be hit by Kyungsoo that it wasn’t for him.

Joonmyun and Joohyun were all smiles now, following the two along with the rest of the members to the kitchen. “What about me? Is it just about uncle Chanyeol and Kyungsoo?” pouted Suho as he put Joohyun down slowly onto a chair.

The little girl giggled, shaking her head, looking back at the table and picking up one of the rice treats, then feeding it to her dad to keep him from pouting. Her smile still radiating as the rest watched, jealous of their leader. “Of course appa is the best.”

“Chincha?” beamed the dad, who also took a piece and fed his daughter lovingly, giving her a kiss on the forehead before sitting beside her.

“I wanna be fed too.” Sehun frowned, feeding his own self, looking at the rest of the members.

“Hey don’t look at me!” Jongin protested, minding his own business.

“Me neither.” shot Baekhyun, getting nods from the rest except Joohyun.

“Say ahhh!” giggled Joohyun, already having a piece in her hand, turning to Sehun, who’s frown turned into a big smile right away.

He ate the kimbap like it was the best thing, hugging the little girl beside him afterwards. “See, at least Joohyunnie here loves me. Right?” he asked, looking down at the girl he still held captive.

Joohyun couldn’t help but laugh, nodding before Suho pulled her away.

“Let my daughter eat.” he instructed, picking out another kimbap to feed it to her.

- - - - - - - - - -

“Hana, tul, set,..” counted Kai, who had lost in rock, paper, scissors with the other guys on who gets to be ‘it’ for hide and seek. “Ready or not, here I come!” he yelled throughout the house for everyone to hear him.

After a few more rounds of hide and seek, it was proven to be a fact that Chanyeol sucked at it and Baekhyun was simply a genius, having never been found by any of the seekers.

“That was fun!” beamed Baekhyun, plopping down the couch, next to Joohyun.

“That’s because uncle Baekhyun was never it.” giggled Joohyun, sitting up on her knees to pat his head.

“He cheated.” Kai protested, sitting on the other side of Joohyun. “Don’t believe him Hyunnie, he’s just much of a loner that he has secret hiding spots. Plus,” he whispered the last part, gesturing for Joohyun to come closer. “he’s so short we never managed to see him.” he said in hushed voice, eliciting a bright laughter from the six year old, holding her hand up her mouth, feeling sorry for her short uncle.

Baekhyun scoffed at Jongin’s remark, but seeing Joohyun’s smile and laugh made him really happy that he didn’t want it to stop. Suddenly though, his thoughts were brought back to you, how Joohyun smiled liked you, laughed like you, she even looked like you. He was starting to think of why you would hide Joohyun from everyone, especially Suho who he knew you loved so much.

Being the closest with you right after Suho, there were many questions that crossed Baekhyun’s mind. Why he never managed to think there was more to it that had lead you to hide such an amazing girl from the rest of them. His leader would have understood and would have taken responsibility for you, even putting his dreams on the line, just to make sure you were happy. But why did you run away?

“Ah, wait a minute.” Joohyun excitedly said, jumping off the couch to run towards Suho’s room where her Hello Kitty luggage stayed at. “I have a surprise!” she yelled through the stairs, already halfway there despite her short legs that she must’ve gotten from both her parents.

“Be careful running on the stairs!” warned Joonmyun, helping Sehun and Kyungsoo in the kitchen with dinner.

“Hyung, you never told us to be careful on the stairs.” whined Sehun as he continued to peel the potatoes, showing slight jealousy that he wasn’t the baby of the house anymore.

Joonmyun simply chuckled at his remark, sprinkling some of the water on his hand from washing the rest of the vegetables, earning a shriek of terror from the maknae. “That’s because it would have been funny if you fell.” he laughed, sprinkling him even more.

“Yah!” Kyungsoo retorted, giving his leader a good smack behind his head. “Stop getting water all over my kitchen.”

“I’m back!” Joohyun announced, following her dad’s warning as she carefully, but still hurriedly, made her way back to the couch. “Okay. It’s here.” she grinned, setting herself back down in between Baekhyun and Jongin, holding a big blue paper bag.

The two looked at what she had curiously, getting Chanyeol’s attention who squeezed his way in front of the three.

“What is it baby?” asked Suho, drying his hands on a towel, also intrigued. It seemed it wasn’t only him with Sehun and Kyungsoo in tow, making their way to the living room.

Joohyun just smiled, looking into the big bag that just as big as her, fishing out smaller bags. “This one’s for uncle Sehun.” she said, setting the smaller paper bag, the size of a small notebook on the table, making the maknae smile in delight as his name was called. “Uncle Kyungsoo and Jongin.” she stated, taking out two of the same bag, laid on the table. “Then, uncle Chanyeol and Baekhyun.” she finished, setting them down like where the rest went.

This set out a confusion from Suho, who didn’t hear his name, with much disappointment, frowning, but didn’t want to say a word, hoping there was a surprise for him.

“Open them.” Joonhyun smiled brightly and that was enough invitation to the guys as they all scrambled to the table, making sure to get the bags with their names on it.

The guys obliged, quickly opening up their gifts, falling into a series of awww’s and  thank you’s. Each of them got a small bag cookies, made by Joohyun and Hyunji that they made early in the morning, then each a portrait of themselves drawn by none other than Joohyun, who was an excellent artist, just like her mom. There were also small little plush toys of animals each member getting one that looked like them the most.

“Thank you so much!” Sehun cooed, setting down his bag to pick the six year old up to a big bear hug. “Do I really look like a cheetah?” he chuckled, giving her a soft kiss on the cheeks.

“Mmm~” hummed Joohyun as she was set back down. “And uncle Kyunsoo looks like an owl with his big eyes.” she paused, chuckling softly as the rest laughed. “Uncle Kai looks like a bear, uncle Chanyeol a red panda, and uncle Baekhyun a cute hamster.” she finished, taking a quick glance at her frowning father.

“Awww! She called me cute.” Baekhyun exclaimed, tackling her into a hug. “Haha, in your face hyung.” he pointed out to his leader, catching Joohyun’s mischievous glance.

Joonmyun glared at the younger boy, giving him looks that could kill, but probably mostly jealousy. “Psh, I have my gift right here.” he stated, picking his daughter up into an embrace, quickly whispering into her ears. “I don’t get a present?”

Small laughter filled the room, coming from Joohyun as she jumped off from Suho’s arms. “Of course you do. But! It’s top secret, so I can only show you. I can’t have uncle Baekhyun telling on me.” she chuckled, remembering her mother’s word at who she was the closest with.

“Ha! In your face.” Suho childishly stuck his tongue out like a grade schooler, following his daughter up the stairs, closing the door behind him as Joohyun ran to open her bag.

“I took it from home, but I don’t think mom will be looking for it, until my birthday.” she smiled, pulling out a scrapbook from her luggage.

Suho was quickly intrigued, having a guess at the contents of the book. He walked towards Joohyun, picking her up again, as he made his way to his bed. He sat down, leaning on the headboard, setting Joohyun on his lap with the scrapbook. “Is this what I think it is?” he asked nervously.

Joohyun smiled softly, nodding as she opened the cover page, revealing baby pictures from her birth. “Neh, my mom always adds parts to it every time I have a birthday.” she said, looking up at her dad who was almost in tears. “Let’s start from my recent birthday!” she excitedly beamed, opening the pages of the scrapbook until they were blank, then going back one for her sixth birthday.

“Hello Kitty themed. Nice.” he chuckled, kissing the top of his daughters head. They both laughed and smiled at some of the silly pictures Joohyun and you took each year, going down a year after another until they were at the first page.

Then it was Joohyun’s first birthday. A big party with some people he recognized as your friends, and some even his own. Suho stopped for a moment, checking to see if what he saw was right. He stared at the picture not believing one of his members was there with you and his own child and not him.

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