Chapter 3 - Tamsin

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Every morning, I like to walk to the coffee shop near the school and buy myself a cup of coffee. Walking into the coffee shop, I readjusted the backpack strap over my shoulders.

The place was busy, like always in the morning. The workers were busy working behind the counter. There was a small line ahead of me. Rocking back and forth on my shoes, I checked my cell phone to make sure I had enough time.

After checking the time and making sure that I had plenty of time to make it to school, I scrolled through my phone, not paying attention to my surroundings. Distantly, I heard the baristas calling out customer's names.

I took out one of my earbuds and stuck it into my ear to listen to some music.

Suddenly, there was a tap on my shoulder. I looked behind me to see Dean. He smiled handsomely, and I couldn't stop staring. My mind was screaming for me to say something, but nothing came out. Instead, I stared at him like some lunatic.

"You are up." Dean reminded me.

I nodded my head like those bobble head figures. His grin grew wider and I couldn't stop the blush that ran up my neck to my cheeks.

"Uh, thank you," I stumbled to say before I walked up and placed my order.

After I finished ordering, I stepped aside. Glancing at Dean while he ordered, I saw he decided to wear denim washed blue jeans and a white v-neck t-shirt. His brown hair simmering beneath the coffee shop lighting. He ran a hand through his hair while he placed his order. He looked so natural and in his zone.

Instantly, I regretted not wearing something a little better today. Had I known that I would meet Dean, I would have thrown on a skirt or a nice little summer dress. Instead, I picked an old black t-shirt I bought on a road trip shop three years ago. It was over worn and hiding in my closet. I paired it up with black leggings. My hair tied up into a ponytail.

Dean walked over to stand in front of me and I stared at his back. This was the view I was used to. I'm always staring at his back and wish he would notice me. I should say something. This was my chance. We weren't in school. Nobody would know that I talked to him.

I opened my mouth to say 'hello' to him, but stopped when the barista called my name.

"Here!" I stuck my hand in the air.

Dean turned around to look at me while I scooted around him to grab my drink. I avoided his eyes like a coward. After I got my drink, I bolted out of the coffee shop faster than I could blink.

When I got outside, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I'm so stupid and a total coward. I should have said something. Now it would be too late and I'll be a total stalker to walk back inside to talk to him.

I started down the sidewalk and took a drink from my coffee cup. When the flavor hits my taste buds, I cringed. Two things I noticed. It was hot and black. The bitterness coated my tongue and left a nasty taste.

"Hey!" Somebody called from behind me.

I turned around to look and saw that it was Dean. He was running towards me. Thinking that he might be calling for someone that was ahead of me, I turned to look ahead. There was no one walking in front of me. There was just him and I on the sidewalk.

I turned back to him.

"Me?" I said, but not loud enough for him to hear me. He must have seen my reaction because he responded back with a nod.

He jogged up to me and held up his coffee cup.

"The barista made a mistake. You have my cup."

"Oh." No wonder it tasted horrible. I handed the cup back to him, but stopped. "I took a sip from your cup already."

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