Chapter 15 - Tamsin

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At home, Kai sat across from me. His body looked disproportionate to the gray bean bag he was sitting on. In his lap, he was writing in his notebook. We were summarizing our project from start to finish. He has been here for over an hour and the boy didn't seem to want to say anything to me. He barely looked in my direction.

I couldn't help but eye him from the coffee table. My notebook opened and my mechanical pencil in my hand. I tried to focus on finishing my summary. This would end our project together and the last part we needed to prepare.

We placed our final product on the coffee table. It was a small bottle of perfume. The scent wasn't too heavy, but you could smell the floral flowers we used.

Suddenly, Kai leaned forward, and I averted my eyes back to my paper. Staring at the paper, but nothing really comes to mind. I heard him pop the cork to the perfume and then he sniffed before he put the cork back on and placed it back on the coffee table.

The tension and quietness put me on edge. I looked up from my paper and dropped my mechanical pencil on top of it. Looking straight at him this time, I waited for him to look at me. When he didn't, I spoke up.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

He didn't move or respond. He continued to write in his notebook, and that irritated me. I huffed and picked up my mechanical pencil. I'll just ignore him. If he doesn't want to talk about it, why bother asking?

I looked at my paper, intent on writing, but I couldn't. I slammed my pencil back down onto the coffee table and glared in his direction.

"Why are you acting this way?"

His pale green eyes lifted from his notebook to look at me. However, his face remained emotionless and nonchalant.

"Well?" I prodded further.

I saw his jaw ticked before he dropped his gaze back to his notebook. I rolled my eyes at him before picking up my pencil again. There was no way in hell I was going to ask again. I began writing furiously in my notebook.

I don't know what the hell has gotten into him. Either way, it was none of my business. For a good while, Kai and I didn't talk to each other. He didn't look up from his paper and neither did I. Occasionally, we would lean over and examine our materials and finished product. But still pretended like the other person didn't exist in the room.

Before I knew it, I was already close to finishing my paper. I just needed to complete the conclusion. Putting my notebook down, I stood up to go use the bathroom. After I washed my hands and opened the door, I walked right into Kai. He was standing outside the door.

I looked up, and our eyes met. Rolling my eyes, I tried to walk around Kai. However, he stopped me this time. Grabbing my right elbow, he yanked me up against the hallway wall. Putting one arm up near my head while the other clamped on my elbow to keep me from moving. Kai bent his head low, looking at me indifferently. I looked deeper into his eyes and saw that he wasn't as indifferent as he wanted to pass on.

"You know, I just don't get girls like you," he whispered.

Me? What the hell does he mean by that?

Kai leaned closer, and I pressed myself up against the wall as much as I could. I placed an open palm on his chest to stop him from coming closer. I could feel his heartbeat in the palm of my hand.

"Girls like me?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Girls who think they are better than others. So, they think they deserve no less than what they deserve," he looked me up and down, "Anything less and they won't even spare a second glance."

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