Chapter 5 - Tamsin

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I woke up this morning feeling a little funny. You know that feeling when you feel you are forgetting something, but don't know what exactly it is that you are missing. I woke up with that feeling. It bugged the crap out of me.

I thought about it through breakfast. I even ran through my backpack twice to make sure I brought my homework and textbooks. It kept me frazzled all morning and through all my morning class period.

It wasn't until lunchtime that I finally remembered. I stood up from my seat to put my tray away. I walked halfway and noticed people staring and snickering. At first, I brushed it off because maybe they weren't laughing at me. However, I started more stares and pointing.

Suddenly, Avery came running up to me. A horrified look on her face.

"Auntie Flo."

Those two words put fear in me. My eyes widened and my heart began racing. That was what I had forgotten. My period was coming this week, and I had worn white jeans to school today.

Immediately, one hand went behind and covered my ass. It was useless though. My ass was too big for my own good. The heat began crawling up my cheeks after I heard laughing. I would have to move away and find a different school to go to. She was my best friend and I couldn't even look at her.

Then I heard someone walking by and asking if I was bleeding out of my ass. I couldn't even look. I just wanted to cry.

This all happened in mere seconds. I couldn't think. I stood frozen to the spot. Avery looked around to see if she could use something to help me. She took the tray from my hand.

Before I could think of running, I felt someone come up from behind me. Whoever they blocked everyone's view from behind me. I tried turning around, but firm hands grabbed my upper arms. So instead, I turned my head to look behind me.

To my surprise, it was Kai. He wasn't looking at me. His eyes were on the surrounding people. There was a certain darkness to the way he looked at them. If looks could turn the temperature in the room down to freezing, I felt my skin pebble with goosebumps.

In one move, he took off his hoodie and put it over my head. I slipped my arms through the sleeves. It was a big hoodie, but it covered my butt and that was all that mattered.

Avery looked from Kai and then at me. Her mouth gaped open like a fish out of water.

"Let's go." Kai grabbed my left wrist and pulled me away.

I saw Avery tossing the tray onto a nearby table before running after us. When we were out of the cafeteria and hidden in an empty hallway, I felt the air change. I could start to think again and I freaked out the second I could.

"Oh, my god! I'm so embarrassed. I am so mad at myself." I covered my face and sobbed.

"It's alright, Tamsin. Few people saw it. Most of them were busy talking."

"But some of them did..." I cried, unwilling to show my face.

"Who gives a fuck what they think? They are a bunch of nobodies." Avery tried reassuring me. I glanced up from my hands to look at her.

She rested her arms on my shoulders and joggled me.

"What if Dean saw it?"

I heard Kai snorted, and I looked in his direction. He leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. His muscles were bulging from that. He wasn't looking at me, but looking straight ahead and out the school window.

"He saw it."

"What?" I looked at him, horrified.

"Could you not make this worse?" Avery snapped at Kai.

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