Chapter 11 - Tamsin

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Chapter 11 – Tamsin

When Kai turned away from me, I grabbed onto his elbow and pulled him back to face me. Reaching up, I touched his face as gently. His pale green eyes met mine and I don't know why, but I felt this was the closest I've reached out to him. Then he blinked and moved his face from my hand.

Chuckling, Kai touched his lip again.

"I like to fight." He shrugged nonchalantly.

"What happened to you? Who did you beat up?"

One corner of his lips lifted and a glint of humor flashed in his eyes. "I didn't know you had such faith in me."

To me, Kai was invincible. The boy didn't have a care for the world. Society norms and rules didn't seem to apply to him. He was unique and rebellious. So, I assumed the other person took the heavier hits.

"This isn't funny, Kai. You could get in trouble. How are you planning on going to school tomorrow? What if the teachers saw the bruises and cuts? They are going to have a major fit."

"You worry for nothing. No one would give a shit what happens to me." He shoved his hands into his black jeans before walking away from me. I skipped to catch up to him.

We continued to walk down a desired path. The sky was getting dark, but there was still enough lights. It was quiet. There no one here, but us. Silence fell between us as I thought about what he had just said. His words were cold and emotionless. It sounded like he didn't care if anyone cared.

"What about your dad?" I asked and felt him stiffened. I turned my head to look in his direction and saw how distant his eyes were.

He didn't answer me. Instead, he shoved his fingers through his hair in frustration and looked up at the sky as he stopped his footsteps. We were surrounded by trees now. You could hear the sound of the lake close to us.

"You have me. I care," I responded and realized that it was true. I did care about him. When I saw his injuries, my first instinct was to check how badly it was.

Kai's pale green eyes fell back on me. He regarded me silently. I bit the bottom of my lips before taking a step toward him. I placed a hand on his arm and looked him in the eyes.

"I care about you, Kai."

He swallowed hard before averting his gaze again. He started walking again, shoving his hands back into his pockets.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" He changed the subject.

I remembered why we were here in the first place. I followed a step behind him, half afraid to see his reaction about what I was about to ask.

"What happened last night?" I asked.

While I waited for his answers, I stared at the back of his head.

"You don't remember?" he asked.

"No, I was really drunk."

He snorted, "You were fucking wasted."

"Right, wasted."

"I don't recall every single thing, but I do remember one thing." He looked behind him.

"What?" I questioned.

"I remember you saying something about how hot I was, and that you like me."

I sputtered a bunch of nonverbal words. That didn't sound like me at all. Kai? Hot? That was ridiculous.

"As a matter of fact, you said I was dangerously hot."

"What? You're lying."

Kai stopped and turned to face me. I took a big step back. Suddenly, I was feeling trapped and didn't want to look him in the eyes. Did I really do something as say he was hot? That would be so embarrassing. He took a step closer to me.

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