Chapter 20 - Kai

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*Violent trigger warning, please read at your discretion*

It was late evening when I came home after sending Tamsin home. I parked my bike in the driveway and noticed my dad's car was already parked in the driveway. As usual, I glanced at the living room window and saw that the lights were off, but the TV was still on.

I walked up to the front door and unlocked it with my key. When I entered the house, it was quiet. The television sound was in low volume. Without looking up, I headed to my bedroom. I didn't bother looking in the living room to see if my dad was dead asleep.

I took out my phone and unlocked it to scroll through my social media feed. Before I could even enter the hallway, a hand grabbed me by the back of my neck and shoved me up against the wall.

"Where the hell have you been?" My dad's angry, drunk face appeared in front of me.

Instantly, my guard was up. I knew what was coming. His fist landed on my stomach. I grunted at the pain but let no sound out. He shoved me onto the floor. I fell with little effort. If it was anybody else, I would have.

He was wearing his steel toe boots again. My gaze narrowed in on his footsteps. He walked over to me and kicked me in the stomach. I felt like vomiting in pain. My vision blurred, and I curled into a fetal position.

"Who do you think you are? Now that you are older, you think you can do whatever you want? You think I don't know what the hell you are doing?"

He bent down and grabbed me by my hair and yanked my hair back.

"I know you've been hanging around with that little bitch. I saw you today with her at a restaurant. You think you can live a normal life? You think she'll want someone like you? A deadbeat kid with no fucking future?"

My hands curled into fist. He threw a punch, and it hit me across the jaw. My vision blurred, and I was seeing stars. Pain shot through my entire face.

"You're nobody. Nothing without me. Do you hear me?" he backhanded me and I felt my lips cut open.

"Nobody in this town gives a shit about you. You're just like your mother. You think you can get out of here and become something that you aren't."

Back then, I would've allowed him to hit me. A part of me wished he would kill me. End my pathetic, insignificant life, and that was it. I didn't have to deal with him or waking up every day to the same thing.

But things are different now...

For the first time, I felt something I never felt before. Memories of my friendships with my friends. Our good times and bad times, our laughter and joy, and something else blossomed inside of me. An image of Tamsin laughing at the beach and the feeling of her lips against mine gave me strength.

Every time my dad would beat me up, I would keep my gaze downcast because he didn't like it when I looked at him. However, this time, I looked up and leveled my gaze at him.

He grabbed my shirt and threw another punch at my face. I felt the pain, but more importantly, I heard my mom's cries and pleas. I could see the bruises on her body. The way she hid them when she was out in public. I remember the moment my mom took her life. The blood that dripped from her wrist. Unshed tears welled up in my eyes.

"You're the one that is worthless," I whispered in pain.

My dad backhanded me and I could taste blood inside my mouth. I released a short laugh before looking back up at him.

"Does hitting me make you feel like a big guy? Does it make you feel better?" My voice was hoarse. Unshed tears blurred my vision, but I could still see him. I closed my eyes tightly and inhaled deeply. I could feel pain in my abdomen.

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