Chapter 7 - Tamsin

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There this proud feminist part of me that wanted to put a stop to this agreement. I should know better than anything that things like these would lead to trouble. Anything that has to do with Kai was trouble. He was the king of trouble. I should never have agreed to this.

Kai's gripped on my wrist never loosened. Our school had this new wing built. It wasn't being used yet. So, there were no students walking down the hallway.

Kai's stride didn't stop for a second. If any teachers found us in the new hallway, we would be in trouble. Possible suspension, expulsions, detention, anything!

"We shouldn't be here," I said, the obvious.

My voice echoed through the empty hallway. Kai stopped after we rounded the corner of the hallway. Nicely hidden away from everyone and all eyes, he spun me around and pushed me up against the wall. Kai's hands boxed me in and his eyes gleamed with a kind of naughty glint that had my stomach doing flips and my heart racing.

"If you're going to ask me to pretend to be your girlfriend or to be your slave-"

"I'm hurt by your thinking." He clicked his tongue and shook his head.

"W-what is it you want, then?"

He moved one hand from the wall towards me. I felt his fingers slid around my neck before caressing higher to cup my chin.

"There is not a good bone inside of me, Dollface. I think you have forgotten who you are messing with. I'm not your friend, so don't treat me as such."

I gulped, and his pale green eyes dropped to my lips. I feel it tingle beneath his smoldering gaze. In this moment, I felt it. I felt the change in the air. The dark aura that he emanated made me feel like I'm under a spell.

He was right.

He wasn't my friend.

This person looking at me was Kai McGrath.

"What do you want?" I whispered.

Kai didn't answer. Instead, he turned my head away with his hand before I felt him lean in. His mouth latched onto my neck and he sucked. He sucked so hard. I felt his tongue lap at my skin. My body responded immediately. I could feel my nipples harden. The ache between my legs grew, and I blamed the hormones of my period.

Everything was in hypersensitive mode. I bit my bottom lip to stop myself from making any sound, but my hands latched onto his shirt and I fisted the material in my palms.

A second later, he released me, only to find another spot to suck. It was just above the one he touched. My legs turned into jelly. To keep myself upright, I wrapped my arms around his waist.

He released my chin and moved it to my waist. This was a strange situation to be in. I never thought I'll be in a situation like this at all. I wasn't the pretty, popular girl. I'm the girl that not a lot remember and not a lot are friends with. I'm the type of girl who would keep her head low and finish school without argument.

Kai pulled back and turned his focus onto my other neck. I should stop him. He shouldn't be doing this, but I tilted my head the other way to give him access. I moved my neck on my own accord. This was crazy!

He took his time. He moved the tip of his tongue across my neck. I inhaled just as he bent down to suck and god forbade. I moaned for the first time in my life.

Horrified, I slapped a hand over my mouth. Kai's hand came out to grab my wrist, and he pushed it up against the wall. When he pulled back and looked at me, I felt my entire body pulse with awareness. I don't know what he was doing, but my body was responding in all kinds of ways. The dark, smoldering look in his eyes didn't dampen the fire that was growing inside of me.

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