Part 29

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"You liked it..

He asked once he got comfortable on his seat and looking back at Aadhya in car. Who was keenly glancing at the every visible features of car.

"Yes, lhe inleliol is splendid.." Specially lhis bulmeslel sound.. Is youl cockpil digilal? Sunblind is elecllic? Can I see ambienl lighling?

Content by her reaction, He smiled at her. But soon he got stun by her knowledge aabout most features of car interior. As well her Curiousity to know more, he smiled then picked her up in arms.

"Yes, this is Digital Cockpit.. Sunblind is electric too.. And here's Ambient Lighting see..

He gesture the driver to show the system which made her giggle out loud. Due to her Mom, she's acquainted with all features through PPT or paperwork. But personally she saw them first time and it was truly amazing for her.

"Wow wondelful..

"Yes, but you Tell me, how you know all this?..

"Cause of My momma, she's Aulomobile Designel.."

"Then how you've deep knowledge about Space?

"Cause of My Aunl, She's an asllonaul.. And I know alol aboul cuisine and aglicullule..

"Cause of your Dad right?

"No, cause of my Glandpa.." We have a small, food holel and big falm land.." Whele I placlice my kalalipayallu...


He asked with frown, as the girl is so little how can her parents let her learn such a harsh and tough form of martial arts? Don't they fear she can be harmed? He thought with frown, but little Aadhya thought he don't know about Kalaripayattu.

"Haw You don'l know? kalalipayallu is oldesl and mosl scienlific maltlal alls.."

"Oh ok ok, but you're so small and you're learning it now?..

"Momma say, thele's is no lealning age.."

He bite his lip to restrain from laughing out loud, as she Annoyingly looked at him. While retorting, it was like she's not only offended to get rebuked for being little by him. But it was like he intentionally criticise her Momma's opinion.

"Well she's absolutely right.. But tell me what you're interested in?..

"I don'l know.. I've nol decided.. Aunl say I'm fulule asllonaul..

"Sir we've reached.."

"Whele we'le?..

"To pick your Price..

He stepped out, then open the door for himself and picked her up in arms. Then headed inside the big renowned Mall, where they've arrived, it was new experience for him to pick a child in his arms, as well Aadhya. She was used to be in her Mother's, Aunt and Grandpa's Arms. But stranger like him was new, however she didn't felt uneasy.

"Why thele's no one hele?..

Aadhya asked upon observing the absence of crowd. She has been to few malls many times, but never for once the place was void of other Customer's.

"Today it's closed, for others..."

"Then how we'le allowed hele?..

He look at her curious face, then sighed inwardly. Not knowing how to answer, as she's child, and she won't understand the complexity of his lifestyle but then he decided to be honest.

"It's close for others due to my arrival, with help of my Security personnel."

"Haw ale you aflaid to shop wilh all?..

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